Chapter 29

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I awoke in a hospital room wearing a paper thin gown.

My mind was fuzzy and the lights were bright. The strong scent of disinfectant spray filled the air and assaulted my senses. I tried to sit up but I felt too weak.

"Avery?" I heard someone say. I looked over and saw Tory and Dante standing between my bed and someone else's bed. I looked passed them, at the person in the bed next to mine, and noticed that it was Tyler. He still seemed to be asleep and was sporting some nasty bruises as well as a breathing tube.

"Is he finally awake?" Someone to my left asked. I looked over and saw Finn sitting in her bed, smiling at me. She had some bruises too, but they weren't as bad as Tyler's.

"Yeah, I'm finally awake." I said, returning the smiled to her.

"How are you feeling?" Dante asked.

"I've been better. How's Tyler?"

"Oh you know, sore. He was awake a while ago. He was having some problems breathing but the doctors said that that was normal after what he had gone through. They put him on a ventilator for now and said that they would keep an eye on him." Dante said.

"That's good. He needs his rest."

"Yeah." They all agreed

"How long have I been out?"

"A couple of hours. It's almost 9 in the morning." Tory said.

I've been out that long?

I smiled and looked around the room. Something was wrong though, Poppy wasn't here.

"Hey? Where is Poppy?" I asked, panicked.

I looked at Tory, Dante, and even Finn but no one answered. I sat up fast, which was stupid because I was so sore, but I needed to know.

"Dante! Where is she? She's alright, isn't she?"

"Listen, Avery." Dante started.

"No! Don't tell me that! You were supposed to keep her safe! You promised!"

"Avery, calm down." Finn said, "You're going to hurt yourself."

"Where is she?"

"She's in another room, you moron!" Tory shouted, "She had to go through surgery and now she's in recovery."

I shut my mouth and stared at her, letting her words sink in. I lowered my head in defeat.

I couldn't help her! No matter what I do she still gets hurt. I couldn't protect the only person I have ever loved.

"I wasn't there when she needed me the most. I broke my promise."

"Listen, Avery, you did everything that you could to keep her safe. Don't blame yourself." Dante said.

"Yeah, Avery, you tried to stop them but they were really strong." Finn said.

"Thanks you guys, but I won't be able to forgive myself until I know that she's okay."

"But she is okay." Tory said, "Her parents are in her room, talking to her right now."

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