Chapter 16

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It's official. I have become one of those girls that I used to despise. Those girls that "fool around" in their boyfriend's cars. But with Ian it seems so normal. Plus, we only make out, I have boundaries that he is respectful of.

I kissed Ian on the cheek and cuddle up to him.

"Ready to head to class?" He asked, as he holds my hand, tracing circles with his thumb.

"Can't we just stay here?" I asked, "It's so comfy and romantic." I looked up and him innocently, he lets out a sigh and smiles.

"What class do you have a test in?"

"What class don't I have a test in?" I said, rolling my eyes.

He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss, telling me that I had to go or else we would probably stay here forever. The kiss was quick but sweet. When he pulled away I let go of his hand and grabbed my bag. Then I got out of his car, closed the door, waved goodbye, and walked to the group table.

I felt light as a feather on the way there but once I had the table in sight it felt like a brick was dropped on be, bringing me back to reality.

Sitting at the table, in his usual spot, was Avery, the guy who ripped out my heart and stomped all over it.

He looked different, not as weak and fragile as he did before he left. He looked mature and strong.

He looks good...Wait! What? No he doesn't, he looks like a total jerk who needs to be kicked in a terrible spot by someone with steel toed boots...repeatedly

I was going to turn around and walk away when I heard someone yell my name. I looked over and saw Tory standing and waving and me while the others smiled.

I decided that it was too late to walk away so I just kept walking. I also decided that I will ignore and scowl at Avery if he talked to me.

"Morning guys." I said, when I got to the table. I smiled at everyone, but I didn't make eye contact with Avery.

"Morning." Everyone said.

"Hey, Poppy, look whose back! It's Avery!" Finn said, all giddy.

"Huh? Oh, that' nice Finn. Listen, I've got to get to class. I'll see you guys at lunch, okay?" I said, waving goodbye and walking away.

"Bye?" Everyone said, confused as I walked away.

My head was starting to hurt from all of the emotions clashing in there. I didn't know if I should punch a wall or start crying.

I rounded the corner, before the door, and made sure that no one was watching as I sat on the ground. I dropped my things down next to me and put my head in my hands.

I just sat there for a couple of minutes, trying to get my head together. I really needed Ian, he knew how to make moments like these better. I let out a sad sigh.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw Avery standing over me.

Oh great! Just what I needed!

I scowled at him as I gathered my things and got up off of the ground, "I'm fine." I growled. I walked away but Avery kept following after me.

"Are you sure that you're alright?" He asked, "You seemed a little down. If you need someone to talk to you know that I'm always here."

I froze. There was a time when I thought that Avery would always be there for me, but that vanished when he left for a week when I really did need him!

I turned to him and glared at him. I opened my mouth to say something rude, that I would probably regret, in return when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Ian running toward Avery and I.

Oh thank you Lord! Ian is here to save me.

Ian caught up to us and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. I gave him a dreamy smile.

"there's no practice this morning so I can walk you to your class." Ian said.

"Terrific." I said, still smiling as we turned and started walking to my class.

I peeked over my shoulder. Avery was still standing in the same spot, looking confused. I smiled and turned back to Ian.

Maybe this will be a reminder to Avery that he should stay away from me.

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