Chapter 19

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When Poppy left so did Tyler and Finn, leaving Dante and I alone at the table.

"I think I need to wash my eyes." I joked, as I walked over to Dante.

"You know I should be getting to class." Dante said, still sounding upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked, rubbing his back to sooth him.

"What the hell do you think, Tory?" He said, getting up from the table, "You're supposed to be my girlfriend! Then I see you gawking at Avery!"

I've never seen Dante so jealous. I would have never pegged him to be the jealous type. I would have been flattered if it wasn't over something as stupid as Avery.

"Oh come on Dante! I can't believe that you're this upset over something so stupid. I was disgusted when I found out that he was Avery!"

"Oh sure you were. You didn't look very disgusted when your mouth dropped open and drool spilled out." He said, rolling his eyes.

He did not just say that! How could he accuse me of such a terrible thing! He knows how seriously I take relationships, especially after my parents nasty divorce a while back.

"You're such a pig, Dante!" I said, grabbing my bag, "I should have expected you to do this to me!"

I sighed and began to walk away, as tears threatened to escape. I guess it was only a matter of time before he ruined this. I felt like he'd just ripped my heart out and crushed it.

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that Dante's expression had softened.

"Hold on a sec." He said, getting up and running after me. He stopped in front of me, "I'm sorry okay. I overreacted."

"You think!" I said, as a couple tears rolled down my cheek. I couldn't even look at him right now. Dante wiped the tears away. My emotions were running wild inside me and I could feel myself shaking.

"Hey now. Don't cry over a jerk." He said, pulling me into a hug.

"Damn right you're a jerk!"

"Aw there's the Tory that I know and love."

"I can't believe that you would even think that I'd fall for Avery." I said, shivering.

"I know, I'm an idiot." He said, rubbing my back, "Come one, let's get you to class."

"Okay." I said, as he let me go and walked with me into the building.

When we got to my class we stopped by the door to walk.

"So am I forgiven?" He asked, looking around, to see if anyone was around, before taking my hands.

"I don't know. It's going to take a lot of begging and a really good date night to convince me that I can trust you again." I said, laughing lightly.

"How about I take you to the movies and then the arcade?"

"Deal." I said, giving him a quick and simple kiss. He smiled and pulled away. Then he said goodbye and walked to class.

I still can't believe that Dante thought I was into Avery! I would rather die! But I'm glade Dante and I worked that little debacle out.

That was our first fight, well as a couple that is...what a milestone in our secret relationship. 

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