Author Note

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Hey guys. I hope you have had a great day so far and I hope most of you have already contacted me on the story. Now, I'm not really sure if I want to actually continue the first part of the story. If I do continue the first part of the story or chapters and you would like me to continue please tell me. I will try not to continue onto another story, but if I do please ask em to re-do it or restart.

If I do have to re-do it, I will rearrange the chapters so, you will have to do the following.

1. If the story is in the library remove it. If it's not in the library, please put it in the library.

2. After removing the book, get it back. 

3. After getting the book back, it should be updated. If it's not updated try again. 

4. If it's still not updated, contact me or repeat the process until it works.

Those are the steps you should follow to help you get the story to be updated.

So, what should I tell you about? Hmm. Maybe the thing I told you I would say, okay?

So, the next story part or chapters will have.....Gumball as the bottom. Yea! It will probably take place in his room and tell you how the story wraps around Gumball's room, basically.

So, if anyone wants the first story to continue please tell me and I'll make it so there chapters are before this author note, so if you're reading this right now, after a few chapters of the first story, you don't really have to read it, only if you already read it.

If anyone wants me to do the next story, right now please comment down below.

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