"Where are my pants, Marshall Lee!"

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(Gumball is bottom)

Gumball's Pov

"Marshall Lee!!! Where are you?" I shout as I round the corner of my kitchen. Why is this palace so huge! Argh.

"Marshall! I need my pants!!! Where are they!?" I shout again. Okay, so let me tell you something. Right now, I'm looking for Marshall Lee with no pants or underwear, only a big saggy see through white shirt. Marshall took my clothes. The clothes in my drawer, the clothes in the washing machine and the clothes on my body. I mean who does that!?

"MARSHALL!!!" I scream. Why isn't he answering.

"Stop. Yelling." I hear Marshall whisper in my ear, making a blush rise to my cheeks.

I jump about 3 feet in the air and Marshall catches me.

"Hey, sugar." Marshall says biting my ear.

I blush and move a little.

"Please put me down..." I say and hope for him to slowly put me down but instead he flies me over up the stairs, in my room and onto my bed. I cling onto him, praying for him not to drop me because we were pretty high up. Marshall slowly flies down and puts me onto the bed.

"No pants for you." Marshall said before flying away again. Oh. My. God.

"MARSHALL LEE!!!" I scream.

Marshall's Pov

I fly out of Gummy's room and down the staircase. I know it's mean, but he'll never even find his pants. They just happen to be under the bed. Though, he'll probably never check there, now will he? I sit down on the table and wait for Gumball to actually show up. Here he comes, you could hear him stomping from all the way down stairs.


Jesus, he can scream.

"No. Calm down, it's your fault for going to bed in the middle of it." I reply floating about the table now.

"I-I fainted.....that's not fair!" Gumball said starting to pout. Argh...he's too cute.

"It is fair. Also, why did you faint?"

"I.....I didn't breath enough....."


It's technically my fault, I wasn't giving him enough time to get adjusted before you know...doing it.

"You didn't give me enough time!" Gumball said basically reading my mind.I float by him and chuckle when I see his face flare up.

"What ar-"


"*Gasp* Did You Just Spank Me!?"

"Yup." I say as I fly past his fist.

"Oh, fight me." Gumball yelled as his fists went flying angrily.

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