He Is Back

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A now 21 year old Danny was working at a small café in his hometown. He loved working there. He gets to meet new people. He was very happy until one day somebody showed up he didn't like very much. Danny knew he had to be on his best behavior otherwise he could get fired. When the customer walked up to the counter Danny switched places with one of his coworkers.
"May I help you?" Danny's coworker Joe asked.
"Yes. Who is that behind you?" He asked.

"That is Danny. I doubt you know him. He is a new worker here." Joe said.
"We know each other. Hello Daniel." The man said.
"Hello Vlad." Danny spat.
"I see you got a job." Vlad replied calmly.
"Are you going to get something? If you are not you can leave." Danny said not looking at him.
"You can't kick me out of my own café. Didn't you know I own this little place?" Vlad said.
Danny stood there trying to think what to say next but he could not think of anything so he just turned his back to Vlad and went back to work ignoring what ever he has to say. 
"I'll have a iced mocha coffee and a chocolate chip cookie." Vlad said.
"Here is your cookie and your coffee will be out in a minute." Joe said, "You got what kind of coffee he wanted right Danny?"
"Ya he wants a mocha coffee. I'll get it done right now." Danny replied while he started to make his coffee. 'Its kinda weird that we like the same type of coffee. Well a lot of people like mocha. I hope he does not become a regular customer. That would be a cruel and unusual punishment for me.' Danny thought to himself as he shivered a little because of his core was affecting him weirdly lately.
After he finished making his coffee Danny had to bring it out to Vlad.
"Here you go Vlad. Your coffee is done."
"Thank you Daniel." Vlad said not even looking up from the newspaper he was reading.
When Danny was gone Vlad reached out and grabbed his coffee and took a drink from it. 'This is actually good considering Daniel made it. Now that I look around this place has more young people here. Probably because of how cute Daniel is. Wait! What did I just think of? I can't be thinking about that boy. His perfect ravin colored hair his perfect blue eyes and his... Stop thinking about him!' Vlad snapped at himself, 'I can't stop thinking about him. He is just so perfect. He is a halfa just like me. I think his core is cyrokinesis. Mine is pyrokinesis. I think it would feel so nice to hold him in my arms so I could finally feel a normal temperature again. I bet he would like it too.' Vlad was thinking and let out a big yawn. 'Wow. I guess that I think about it I really haven't had a good sleep in a while.' Vlad got up and felt a little dizzy. He put his hand on the side of his head to stop it from spinning.
"Are you alright Vlad?" Danny asked as he saw him stand up.
"Yes Daniel." Vlad replied, "Why do you ask?"
"You seem really dizzy and you almost fell over." Danny pointed out.
"Daniel, after you are done with work I need you to meet me outside." Vlad said.
"Okay, but if you try anything...
Vlad interrupted, "I have no intention of doing anything so just meet me."
"Fine I will meet you in an hour." Danny said.

I have had this story forever. Just never posted it. Have fun. Also thanks to ambi2006 . They told me to post this story so here you go. I will mention a person each time I post a new chapter. The only way they will get mentioned is if they stay with the story.


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