The Parents

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They walked to the front door just as his parents and his sister pulled up to the mansion. Jazz got out first and ran up to Danny and gave him a hug and asked, "Why the blanket?"

"I'm cold." Danny said.

"Hey V-man!" Jack said as he walked over to Vlad and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"H-hello Jack." Vlad barley said.

Danny snickered as Maddie said, "Alright Jack. Put him down before you crush him."

Jack put Vlad down and Vlad said, "Thank you Madeline." He turned around and walked inside.

"Is there something wrong with him? He isn't flirting with me at all." Maddie asked Danny.

Danny shrugged his shoulders and completely lied, "I don't know."

They all walked inside and Vlad lead them to the living room. Danny and Vlad sat on the same couch but a little farther apart then usual. Sam took the chair by the couch. Jazz took the chair that was at the top of the rectangle of chairs and sofas. Tucker was to her left. Their parents took the couch across from Danny and Vlad.

"So what did you want to talk about Danny?" Maddie asked.

"You have to make me a promise that I had everyone else make." Danny said, "You have to promise that you won't freak out. If you do I can get away a lot faster then you think."

"Okay? I promise I won't freak out." Maddie said.

"Dad do you promise?" Danny asked.

"Yeah I promise." Jack said.

"Thank you. I know for a fact that you know the ghost boy Danny Phantom."

"Yeah. What does this have to do with him?" Maddie asked.

"You will see. Now just imagine him with black hair and blue eyes. Who would he look like to you?" Danny said.

"I don't know." Maddie said.

"I know!" Jack exclaimed.

"Who dad?" Danny asked.

"He would look like you but that is impossible." Jack said.

"Nope you are right dad. I am him and he is me." Danny said.

"That is impossible!!" Maddie yelled.

"No it's not Madeline. You have to be open more and you will be able to see more things. Like when Danny was younger how he was late all the time and he made excuses for everything. I can't believe you of all people didn't notice." Vlad said scolding Maddie, "Do you remember the Wisconsin Ghost? His real name is Vlad Plasmius. What is my first name?"

"It's Vlad for short." Maddie said.

"All you have to do is switch Plasmius with Masters and what do you get?" Vlad said.

"You get Vlad Masters. But that is impossible! You can't be half ghost and half human. Neither can Danny!" Maddie said in an angry tone.

"Accidents happen to anyone Madeline. Even when they don't deserve them." Vlad said.

"Well I want proof that you both are half ghosts." Maddie said.

"Halfas." Danny said quietly.

"What Danny?" Maddie asked.

"We are called halfas in the ghost zone. Half human half ghost." Danny said.

"I still want proof." Maddie said.

"Alright Madeline here is your proof." Vlad said as he went ghost, "You can't freak out because promised Danny."

"That just proves that you are a halfa. What about Danny?" Jack asked.

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