Bye Bye Ghost Detectors

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"Where are we going to start?" Dash asked.

"At that building over there." Danny said pointing at the building nest to them. Danny went to the ally next to them and turned Phantom.

Dash and Kwan saw the bright light as Danny turned, "I still don't believe it." Dash said.

"Well you should because he is right in front of you." Kwan said as Danny walked out.

"I am going to lift you one at a time to the detectors then we can get rid of it." Danny said.

"Alright who's fir-" Kwan didn't get to finish because he was lifted off the ground and set on the building. Then Danny went back and grabbed Dash. Once they were back on the roof they saw Kwan dismantling it.

"Wow. How did you know how to do that?" Dash asked.

"I used to help the Fenton's sometimes with their work. This is easy. The GiW don't know how to build anything to save their lives." Kwan said.

"When did you have time to do that?" Dash asked.

"Remember when I said I was in an after school club in college?" Kwan asked.

"Yes. So you went over to the Fenton's and helped them?" Dash asked.

"Yup. I wanted to learn more about ghosts so I went to Jack. I knew Maddie knew more but Jack started to be more nice to the ghosts when I asked. Maddie kept muttering about how they were possessed and that the child wasn't there's." Kwan said.

"Wait, how long ago was that?" Danny asked keeping guard.

"It was our last year in college so about two or three years ago now." Kwan said.

"Oh she was still mad at Vlad and I for being together. Also that was when I told them that I was having Max." Danny said.

"It's still weird that you had a kid. I mean I get the adopting the one but you having to give birth to one." Dash said.

"Well in the Ghost Zone it is perfectly normal for men to have children, because when there is a same sex relationship and they want a child they can't go to an orphanage like humans can. A child in the Ghost Zone is a huge deal. Both parents must want the child for it to happen. Also the Observants can't harm either parent in anyway. If they do they could cause the ghost's mate to go crazy trying to find them, or kill other ghosts to find their mate. That is why when a ghost is pregnant they don't get bothered." Danny explained.

"Oh cool. So I am guessing that ghosts and humans can't have a child together." Kwan said.

"Probably not unless you had a friend that could rewrite reality for you." Danny said, "Why, is there someone you like?"

"There might be." Kwan said blushing, "Also done. We can go to the next one."

"I won't bug you about it. There isn't that many working anymore. Maybe five more." Danny said picking Kwan up. He brought him to the next one. Then he went back for Dash.

"I am going to you how to take these apart so we can get done faster." Kwan said as soon as Danny put Dash down.

"Okay. Let's get these done do that we don't have to deal with them later." Danny said getting closer to the detector. He tried to put his hand on it but before he could he got shocked. Danny screamed and fell away from it.

"Are you alright Danny?!" Kwan asked leaning over him.

Danny groaned as he sat up, "Yeah I'm fine. It wasn't that bad."

"Not that bad? Really? You screamed and I had to shove you out of the way." Dash said, "Then Kwan has to hurry and destroy it to get it to stop shocking you."

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