The Friends and Jazz

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The next morning Vlad woke up and got out of bed carefully because he didn't want to wake Danny up. He walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to make pancakes.

'Thump' "Ouch!" 'Pound Pound' "I blame you Vlad!"

"I guess I don't have to get wake him up now." Vlad said walking to the room. He opened the door to see Danny laying on the floor he asked "Are you going to get up or do I have to help you up?"

Danny sat up looked at Vlad and said, "I blame you for my falling off the bed."

"Why would you blame me?" Vlad asked.

"You usually keep me from falling off. It smells good in here. Let's go get some food." Danny said standing up and walking out the door.

"Okay." Vlad said following Danny down to the kitchen.

"Do you remember what we are going to do today?" Vlad asked.

"Yes I do remember." Danny said with a frown on his face.

"Do you want to go over there or do you want them to come over here?" Vlad asked.

"Over here will be good. I get really tired during car rides." Danny said.

"Alright. I'll be having Samantha and Tucker coming over also so you explain to them first in a different room." Vlad said picking up his phone.

"Okay." Danny said.

Vlad dialed Maddie's phone number while Danny texted Sam and Tucker.

"Your parents will be here in about 4 hours Daniel." Vlad said.

"I was wondering if Sam and Tucker could use your jet? Then they can be here before my parents." Danny said.

"Yes they can. Tell them to be ready in an hour." Vlad said.

"Thank you." Danny said. Then he texted Sam and Tucker.

"What do you want to do for two hours?" Vlad asked.

"Well I have to figure out how I'm going to explain this to my friends and parents. Because my mom and dad want to rip my ghost half apart molecule by molecule. I'm sure they want to do that to your ghost half too." Danny said, "It's going to be a lot easier explaining this to Tucker, Sam, and Jazz. My parents not so much."

"When are you going to tell your own sister that she is going to be an aunt? Isn't she in college in London?" Vlad asked.

"I could call her." Danny said taking out his phone and dialing Jazz's number.

"Hi Danny." Jazz said in pippy voice.

"Hey Jazz are you still on winter vacation?" Danny asked.

"Yup. I'm with mom and dad coming to see you now but why are you at Vlad's? I thought you two hated each other." Jazz said.

"Can mom and dad hear our conversation?" Danny asked worriedly.

"No I'm in the back of the R.V. Do you need to ask me something?" Jazz asked.

"No I need to tell you something that mom and dad can't hear until they get here." Danny said.

"You can tell me now if you want. They are still arguing if Santa is real or not." Jazz said.

"Okay but promise me you won't freak out. You have to promise me Jazz and you can't say anything until I say something." Danny said.

"Alright I promise. Now what is it?" Jazz asked.

"Okay you promised. What would you say about me and Vlad together?" Danny asked.

"I would scream but then after that I probably would threaten him to keep you happy and if he didn't I would get the specter deflector and use it on him." Jazz said.

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