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Art isn't mine! He credited goes to the owner of this drawing.


"Uncle!" The children came running out of Dan's room and crashed into Dash's room. They jumped onto his bed.

Dash groaned as they landed on him. "Yes?" He asked.

"We want breakfast. And mommy won't get up." Max said.

"Alright. We can go wake Danny up and then go get you breakfast." Dash said getting up.

"Yay! Momma is still on the couch." Dan said getting off the bed.

"Really? He went to sleep early last night then." Dash said as they walked to the living room. Dash went to go wake him up.

"I wouldn't do that Dashel."

Dash jumped. This was the first time he saw Vlad since the few months ago.

"You scared me." Dash said.

"I wouldn't try to wake him up. He can be impossible to be woken up at times." Vlad said.

"Why's that?" Dash asked.

"I do not know. He always has been like that." Vlad said.

"So who's going to wake him up?" Dash asked.

"The children are able to wake him up." Vlad said.

"We already tried! Mommy doesn't want to wake up." Max said.

"Well let him sleep. He must be extremely exhausted." Kwan said walking in. "We are going to make breakfast. Vlad you are going to sit down and eat while we make food."

They walked to the kitchen and Vlad, Dan, and Max told and showed them where everything was to make pancakes. Those were Max's second favorite food.

After they were done eating Max went to go check on Danny. Danny was not there.

"Daddy! Momma's gone!" Max yelled.

Vlad walked in and saw that Danny wasn't on the couch. He went and checked if he turned invisible again in his sleep. Danny still wasn't there. "I am going to check our room." Vlad said.

"We can check it." Dan said walking out pulling Max with him.

"I hope he went to our room and not off floating somewhere in the Ghost Zone." Vlad said sitting on the couch.

"Has he done that before?" Kwan asked.

"Yes. Only a few times while he was pregnant. He is acting odd right now." Vlad said.

"Are you sure you didn't get him pregnant again?" Kwan asked. Dash was standing awkwardly in the corner alone because Gwen went with the boys.

"I don't think so. Every time we did it we had a condom on." Vlad said smirking because he knew how uncomfortable Dash was getting.

"Well one could have broke at one time or another." Kwan said.

"Mommy isn't in your room." Dan said walking back in.

"He will be back when he wakes up or sleeps walks back here." Vlad said.

"Don't you think he could be getting in trouble?" Dash asked.

"No. The ghosts won't bug him if he is." Vlad said.

"If mommy is what?" Max asked.

"Nothing Max. You, Dan, and Gwen go play. Dash and Kwan are going to go find Daniel." Vlad said.

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