Christmas Truce

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"Come on Vlad. We are going to be late." Danny said turning ghost. He was four months along. He was starting to show, but the cape helped to cover his body so no one could see. Danny grabbed a bottle of wine to bring with.

"I'm coming. What are you doing with that wine?" Vlad said after he turned ghost.

"I usually bring some type of drink. Last year it was beer. This year is wine. I hope you don't mind that I took one of yours. I didn't take an expensive one. I chose a cheep wine. One that they will get drunk off easily." Danny said as he walked into Vlad's lab.

"It's fine Daniel. But next year you can choose any one you want." Vlad said opening the portal. Danny put his hood up and got it not the ghost portal with Vlad leading the way to Skulker's for the party.

When they got there Skulker was way past buzzed. So was every one else. "Here you go Skulker." Plasmius said taking the wine out of Danny's hand and giving it to Skulker.

"Thanks Plasmius. This should be good." Skulker said, "Who is that next to you? I bet it's the whelp."

Danny started grumbling to himself and asked, "How did you know?"

"I don't know I just guessed. I like the cape though." Skulker said walking off almost falling over.

"I guess I can take my hood down now. Skulker is going to talk about my new cape because when he is drunk he can't keep his mouth shut." Danny said taking his hood down.

"I guess we could go sit. You can't drink at all." Vlad said.

"Why can't he drink at all?" Ember asked walking over to them.

"Because I made a promise that I would not get drunk to my parents." Danny quickly said.

"Then you can at least have one drink." Ember said.

"Sorry Ember he said no." Vlad said.

"Why are you in this pops? I was talking to Phantom." Ember said.

Vlad opened his mouth to say something but Danny said, "Shut up both of you. I don't want to drink tonight. Maybe next time. I have had to much to drink lately."

They both looked at Danny with shock but Ember said, "Fine baby pop. What's with the cape? You looked better with out it."

"I needed a change in my appearance." Danny said walking away.

"Wow. What's up with him? Did you do something Plasmius?" Ember asked.

"Why do you assume I did anything?" Vlad asked.

"Because he showed up here with you." Ember said.

"And what if I did something? You would be able to do anything about it. Plus it is his choice to do what ever he wants. I can't tell him what to do all the time." Vlad said following Danny into the crowd.

When Vlad finally caught up with Danny he asked, "Are you alright Daniel?"

"Yeah, my emotions almost got out of hand. I had to walk away so I didn't cause a scene." Danny said.

"Okay. Let's go sit down. I think I saw an empty couch over there." Vlad said pointing across the room.

Danny tried to follow Vlad through the crowd but he lost Vlad about half way through. Danny kept bumping into the other ghosts, "I'll never get though this crowd." He walked slowly making his way through. When he made it through he saw Vlad waiting for him by the couch. He went over to the couch and plopped down on it, "I'm done moving."

"Are you that tired from walking across the room?" Vlad asked.

"Yes I am. I almost fell over like ten times." Danny complained wrapping himself in his cape.

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