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"We need to tell my parents and sister soon." Danny said. He was on the couch with Vlad. Vlad was leaning against Danny almost laying on him. Vlad was four months into the pregnancy but he looked like he was six months along.

"I know we should but you know how I travel now." Vlad said.

"That was in the jet. You travel well enough in a car. Also I think the boys would want to go see their grandparents." Danny said.

Max and Dan came running into the room playing with toy rockets being extremely loud. "Boys!" Danny raised his voice a little.

They both looked at him innocently, "Yes?" They asked.

"We are going to your grandparents tomorrow. You must be good or else we won't go." Danny said.

"Okay momma. We will go play in the other room. It looks like daddy's head hurts." Dan said walking out dragging Max with him.

"I want to cuddle with momma and daddy!" Max yelled as soon as he was out of the room. He was loud enough the Danny heard him through the closed door. Max ran back into the room and climbed onto Danny's lap. He looked sad.

"What's wrong?" Vlad asked.

"You get to cuddle with momma all the time." Max said hiding his face in Danny's chest.

"He's a little jealous." Danny said.

"No I am not." Max said sitting back up.

"How about this, when we go to see your grandparents tomorrow you and I can go to the park. Just you and me." Danny said. Max's eyes lit up and he nodded his head. "Good. Now how about we put you and your brother to bed. We are going to have a long day tomorrow."

"But I don't want to." Max said.

"Do you want to go tomorrow?" Vlad asked.

"Yes." Max said.

"Then listen to your mother." Vlad said sitting up slowly. He was starting to have a tougher time moving around.

"Okay daddy." Max said running out of the room.

"Do you want help?" Danny asked.

"Go put the boys to sleep and then come back for me." Vlad said putting his feet up.

"Just don't get to comfortable." Danny said.

He went to Max's room first to find him already in bed waiting for Danny to give him a kiss good night. After Danny did that he went to Dan's room and saw him out of bed running around.

"It's time for bed Dan." Danny said.

"Why? I am not tired." Dan said as he jumped on his bed.

"Beds are made for sleeping not jumping. Lay down now." Danny said.

"But that is no fun." Dan said. He did as he was told though.

"Yeah yeah. I know you don't like listening but you have to. Good night Dan." Danny said kissing Dan's forehead.

"Night momma." Dan said getting comfortable.

Danny quietly shut the door and went back to the study that Vlad was in. Vlad was half asleep trying to stay awake.

"Time for you to go to bed also I guess." Danny said helping Vlad up.

"This child takes most of my energy." Vlad complained.

"I am going to carry you then." Danny said going ghost. He carefully picked Vlad up and floated to their room. They went to sleep.

~~~Next Morning Because Nothing Happened~~~

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