Little Dan and Visitors

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Dan peaked into his parents room and saw them both still asleep. He snuck in and crawled over to the bed quietly. He peaked over the edge and saw his dad on his back and his mom was on his side. He carefully climbed onto the bed and walked over towards his dad. He he was close enough he jumped on to his dad. He let out a loud groan.

"Why do you do this every morning?" Vlad asked the little boy sitting on his chest.

"Because it's fun and I can't do it to mommy." Dan said with a big smile on his face.

"I take it you are hungry. What do you want to eat?" Vlad asked.

"Froot loops!" Dan said bouncing up and down on Vlad's chest.

"Did your mother give you that when I was gone?" Vlad said.

"Maybe. She said I am not allowed to tell you." Dan said.

"Alright come on let's go before we wake him up." Vlad said picking him up and walking out of the room.

When the got to the kitchen Vlad set Dan down and he ran over to the fridge. Dan took out the milk. He gave the milk to Vlad so he could set it on the counter. Vlad went into the cupboard and took out a bowl then he got a spoon. When he looked over at Dan he already had the cereal in his hand, "How did you get that out of the cupboard?" Vlad asked.

"Mommy moved all the cereal for me." Dan said smiling and giving Vlad the cereal.

"I guess I have to talk to him later about that." Vlad said as he poured Dan's food and gave it to him.

"Talk to me about what?"

Vlad jumped and turned around and saw the now 8 month pregnant Danny in the door way.

"Talk to you about moving the cereal to were Dan can reach it." Vlad said.

"I moved it so he could see it. I was getting tired of picking him up. It was starting to hurt my back." Danny said.

"Okay that's fine then." Vlad said not wanting to get Danny mad at him.

"What kind of cereal is are you having today Dan?" Danny asked Dan as he sat down be him.

"I'm having Froot Loops!" He said happily.

Danny giggled at Dan. Dan looked at him and asked, "What's funny momma?"

"Oh it's nothing Dan. Just finish your breakfast." Danny said.

"Okay." Dan said taking another bite.

"Hey Vlad could you get me some pineapple and grapes?" Danny asked.

"Sure." Vlad said as he went into the fridge and pulled out those two fruits, "Here you are little badger."

Danny took his food and said, "Thank you. What are you going to have?"

"I don't know. Probably a bagel with cream cheese." Vlad said.

"Okay but don't burn it. You know how we hate that smell." Danny said.

"That was one time Daniel one time." Vlad said crossing his arms.

Both Danny and Dan laughed at Vlad while he was making his own food. 

Danny got and idea and asked Dan, "Hey Dan do you want a little sister or a little brother?"

Dan looked up from his now empty bowl and said, "I don't know. I think I want a little sister and a little brother."

Vlad snickered at Danny a little and said, "I guess he really wants to be a big brother."

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