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Hey guys! I will list some things to clarify so that you can understand the story well.

1. This is a fanfic of ROSS BUTLER. Not Reggie Mantle nor Zach Dempsey.

2. I want to dedicate this fanfic to all Ross Butler's fangirls that's why the girl character is YOU. I will not use a specific name for the girl character. I will not also use Y/N for you to feel that you are really the character. That's why I'll be using some nicknames. If that made you confused, please send me a message and I will explain it further to you :).

3. Constructive criticisms are welcome but please be kind. I am really trying my best to make this fanfic a good one.

4. Since English is not my native language, you will notice some grammatical errors. If you see some, please message me and I'll edit it.

5. Don't be shy to comment or sending me a message. I'll be very happy to talk to you.

6. Don't forget to vote and share this to your friends!

That's all! Thank you for spending your few minutes for reading this. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a good day!


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