Chapter 6 - Protecting you

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  • Opgedragen aan Ru Li La


Elsa pulled away from his hug, starring surprisingly at Jack.

Elsa: Wh..who are you? are you doing that?!

Jack flew backwards,for Elsa to see him better.

Jack: Let me intoduce my self, your majesty...

He began.

Jack: My name is Jack....

He kneeled down infront of the Queen, and bowed his head.

Jack: Jack Frost.

Then still kneeling, he raised his head up to look at elsa and smirked.

Elsa was still surprise. but shewas remembering something...

Elsa: J... Jackson!

Elsa was sure of it. They looked the same .

Elsa: H.. how are you doing that, Jackson? Why did your apperance changed? H..How did you managed to fly?!

Jack: Well, this is my real Identity. I mean, Yeah, before was also my Identity when I was alive and...

Elsa: Your'e dead?!

She Exclaimed surprisingly as her echoes scattered around. Jack went nearer to her fast and covered her mouth with his two hand.

Jack: Shh..shhh... someone would hear you, my queen. And they'll think your out of your mind talking to no one.

Elsa: But... I'm talking to y...

Jack: Yes I know, however, not everyone can see me. they can only do when someone believes in me.

Elsa: And... I can see you because...

Jack sat down on the handle of the balcony.

Elsa: Because... I believe in you.

Realizing what she said.

Jack tilted his head a little, while his right cheek was leaning on his staff. He was smiling at Elsa for what he heard from her.

Jack: Yes... yes you did.

Elsa: But.. you do know we're the only ones, here in North Mountain, Don't you?

Jack: Well, Yeah but, It's best to be sure of it.

Thank you for helping me Elsa. For helping me complete my first mission.

Elsa: Your first mission?

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