Chapter 8 - Controling the Curse

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Elsa chuckled covering her mouth with her hand.

Elsa: well, I made this castle with confidence...

She glanced at the castle one more time.

Elsa: ... Because I knew that Arendelle will be safe from me, starting that day. But I was wrong.

Jack: Well, what ever you did to build this thing... you have to do it again. Let's see if you can manage to do it twice.

But out of the blue, Jack suddenly frowned looking at the ground.

Jack: I won't let Pitch have you...

He said quietly.

Elsa: 'P..Pitch? That was the one Hans was talking about...' W..who?

Jack looked at her eyes. He looked serious than before.

Jack: Pitch Black.  Also known as the Boogeyman. His... his trying to convince you.

Elsa stepped back, a little scared, remembering the words that Hans once told her.

Elsa: Convince me?

She eagerly asked looking confused.

Jack: yes... His trying to convince you to join with him... to freez Arendelle. And....

He took a deep breath avoiding her gaze.

Jack: And...Everyone will die.

Elsa was shock, covering her mouth with her hands.

Elsa: 'Everyone... will die because of me?!'

Elsa: Arendelle?!

Jack: Y...yes and... The whole world.

She was very confused. There were questions all over her mind. Elsa was starting

panicking, as her eyes was moving looking all around the ground.

Elsa: I will not do such a thing!

She said as she was already holding her head with her two hands. Fear was already inside her head.

Jack: I know that Elsa... Your not a bad person. Your not a monster! And I know that you will not join forces with Pitch because you posses your gift because of your love for Anna and Arendelle.... not fear.

He said to her while holding her arms, with worry in his eyes.

Elsa looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath. She glanced  at her right hand and showed determination on her face.

Elsa: Here it goes...

Jack stood far from her to give Elsa some more space. He watched as Elsa nerviously swirled her hands gently, making a ball of ice.

Her eyes widened and smiled in amazement and glanced at Jack to show him what she is

possessing. but her smile faded when the icy ball became larger and larger.

Elsa: Uhh... Jack....

Her heart was pumping fast as her hands was already shaking trying to control the ball of ice, as if it has a mind of it's own. And sharp snowflakes was beginning to fall rapidly out of the blue.

Jack: Whoaw... whoaww... Just calm down Elsa.

Jack said while looking above the sky that was turning dark blue. He walked slowly nearer to Elsa. His hands was ready, facing his palms on her if something would happen wrong.

Elsa: Jack I can't control this!

She was already breathing hard as small spikes appeared from the icy ball.

Jack: Just take your hand off of it!

The cold ball was already as large as her head. And out of the blue she was pushed by the strong force. She fell down on her feet as the ball quickly flew going across Jack's direction.

Elsa: Jack! Look out!

She exclaimed extending her arms out facing him.

Jack's eyes rounded and quickly hit it hard with his staff like a hockey stick. He fell down too, panting hard. He looked at Elsa who was shock as well. He quickly crawl towards her holding her shoulders.

Jack: Are you alright, Elsa?

Elsa shook  her head...

Elsa: Jack I... I'm so sorry

She softly said while she was already teary-eyed looking at Jack's frowning face.

Jack: No... I was not. See? Don't blame your self Elsa. I didn't get hurt.

He stood up giving Elsa a hand. Elsa grabbed his palm and pulled herself up. The sharp snowflakes began to fade from above and the sky was becoming light again.

Jack: We should give it another try ok? Try to relax. Don't get nervous.

He said tilting his head to see her face clearly.

Elsa: I might do something more harmful. I wont let that happened.

Jack: You just need t...

But he was cut of by Elsa looking serious.

Elsa: Maybe this might be wrong, after all.

She looked at him in the face and glanced at another direction with her eyes shut.

Jack: what are you saying, Elsa? You have a wonderful gift. And It's time for you to learn how to use it. So you would fear no longer.

He said while holding her shoulders trying to convince her.

She looked at him in the eyes and nod her head once showing determination, again.

Elsa: I'll try. For my sister and my kingdom.

Jack went to stand on one of the branches of the tree to see a perfect view of her. Elsa looked at him from afar and smiled. She faced away and closed her eyes again. But this time, she was trying to be as calm as possible.

She swirled her hands, gently , once more and made another ball of ice. She took a peek with her right eye and completely opened both her eyes. She was already making the ball with no fear at all. she began to smile again

Jack can see that she can handle it already. and his narrowed his eyes to make sure that she was doing it right.

she slowly swayed her fingers (palm facing palm) and smirked. Elsa stretched her arms upward with a small jump. She looked up, smiling, with her eyes in amazement. She kept on turning her head and body, as she was looking at the snowflakes that was falling from above.

Unlike the snowflakes that appeared before, they were sparkling in the sun's light. They  each have a unique design. And each one was twirling around, shining and was like dancing in the air.

Jack neared his face to what he saw. He was stunned. It was very incredible to his sight. He smiled widely as he was looking above. Then he looked directly on Elsa.

She was still looking around trying to catch some snowflakes in her hand. And glanced at Jack.

Elsa: Jack, I did it! I was calm! It...It was unbelievable!

She exclaimed looking at jack who beggan to lean his shoulder onto the trunk of the tree while nodding his head.

Jack: 'That's my girl'

He thought, smirking.

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