Writing Prompts

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These are writing prompts I have come up with. So comment a number(s) and any character(s)! Make sure to vote, comment and share xx 💙💙
Edit: I'm putting a cross next to the ones that are already taken

1. "I got a tattoo"
2. "Welcome to your tape"
3. "Knock some sense in her"
4. "Please..."
5. "Shut up"
6. "I hate you!"
7. "I love you!"
8. "What are you doing?"
9. "What are you watching?"
10. "Don't u see! Ur the reason why I do this!"
11. "What are you listening to?"
12. "I'm so sorry"
13. "I don't know what to do anymore"
14. "RUN!"
15. "Hurry up!!"
16. "It wasn't my fault"
17. "I have something to tell you..."
18. "Can I trust you?"
19. "Get out!"
20. "Please, don't leave me..."
21. "I'm spoiled by you"
22. "Get a room"
23. "Teach me"
24. "I want it"
25. "I'm confused"
26. "I'm not weird"
27. "My phone is broken"
28. "Delete it, now"
29. "I love memes"
30. "U're like this unhelpful yoda"
31. "I don't care!"
33. "He's a dick, He's a prick, And he's a cock"
34. "U know what's worse than being a rapist?"
35. "U know I'm gay, right?"
36. "Can I stay the night?"
37. "He deserved better than this"
38. "Stop following me!"
39. "Can't say that anymore"
40. "Please...don't do this"
41. "Fuck off (Courtney 😂)
42. "U can't be in here"
43. "And you'll help me?"
44. "It will get better"
45. "I promise"
46. "U can try"
47. "Is this seat taken?"
48. "Stop acting like a baby"
49. "None of u cared enough!"
50. "It's hard to listen"
51. "What. The. Hell. Is. That?"
52. "What are u....wearing?"
53. "Pardon me, but u really hurt my feelings"
54. "Wow, she is hot"
55. "GET OFF ME!"
56. "Fuck. You"
57. "That's a heavy question"
58. "Omg. Ur both nerds"
59. "No, it's not. It's not ok!"
61. "Just like, don't choke"
62. "I'm angry at myself for not trying!"
63. "Everything will get better"
64. "I'm always gonna be here for u"
65. "Your driving?"
66. "What ever happens to us, happens to u"
67. "If I kill myself, will u die too?"
68. "Maybe, just maybe. If I did something differently then none of this would've happened"
69. "Suicide isn't cowardly"
70. "Tell me why u fucking care!"
71. "I'm pretending to have fun"
72. "Why am I always the 2nd best?"
73. "Please, just leave"
74. "The tapes were all true"
75. "I could've stopped her but I didn't!"
76. "Don't. Ever. Talk. To. Me. Again!"
77. "Can u keep a secret?"
78. "do you realize how dumb you sound right now?"
79. "are you even listening?" "yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once."
80. "well, if you'd woken up properly the first time i kicked you, i wouldn't have had to do it four more times."
81. "you're blessed to have me in your life."
82. "why are you upside down?" "why are you rightside up?"
83. "why would you do this to me?"
84. "my pinky finger has more talent than u"
85. "I hope u rot in hell, u sick bastard"
86. "I thought i was supposed to be the dramatic one."
87. "you're possibly the dumbest person i have ever met." "but i'm you're favourite" "bullshit"
88. "aw, is little Y/N scared?" "no, i'm not. but come here and hold me."
89. "go ahead, laugh at the [girl/boy] who loved too easily"
90. "don't you fucking get it? i love you!"
91. "can i have this dance?"
92. "don't you dare touch me."
93. "i'm drunk and i miss you"
94. "okay! okay! i'm sorry! put me down!"
95. "I love you" "wait, what?" "i said... i-i love food."
96. "Do I see a hickey?!"
97. "i love you and all, but i'm trying to eat so can you like, not."
98. "Well this is awkward."
99. "Fancy meeting you here."
100. "You're anything but that"
101. "I thought you knew?!?"
102. I told you we shouldn't get a pet!"
103. "Hold my hand you dork."
104. "Shut up, nerd." "I'm not a nerd." "Then what are you?" "I'm madly in love with you." "Ew, get away from me you mozzarella stick."
105. "Give me my pen back." "What's the magic word?" "Now."
106. "It was a dare."
107. "What the fuck." "What?" "Where's my piece of cake?!" "What piece of cake?!" "Exactly!" "What?!" "You ate it!"
108. "You bastard."
109. "You're acting like a baby." "And you're acting like a bitch."
110. "You're lame."
111. "Go away u British crumpet!" "That fuckin insulting!"
112. "I You all deserved better." "Except for Bryce." "And Marcus." "And maybe Tyler." "Oh, you know what, even Courtney didn't deserve better."
113. "Get. It. Off. Me. Now!"
114. "Hey, my dudes."
115. "Do you have tinder?"
116. "I'm sorry, but they're not good for you." "Nope, I'm putting my foot down, [insert their name]."
117. "Shut. The fuck. Up please."
118. "You're the pizza boy?!?!"
119:Where were you last night?"
120.Where'd you go last night?"
121. "High five!"
122. "Awe is [insert characters] jealous?"
123. "You smell like the sun." "Is that a compliment or?" "You smell like burning people of hell and natural gases."
124. "You fucking noob."
125. "No one has said that since 2005, please do not bring it back."
126. "How can someone be so cute?"
127. "Stop putting sticks in my hair"
129. "Did you just...throw a dart at me?"
130. "Wow, you look stunning."
131. "Piss off, monkey guts."
132. "Lay one finger on him/her ur dead!"
133. "I call bullshit."
134. "Shove it into your dream journal and sleep on it!"
135. "You didn't turn the damn cookies!"
136. "Touch my food and I will kill u!"
137. "I can't tell if you were aiming for that pole or you actually didn't see it." "Probably the former."
138. "Let me do your hair."
139. "Stop using me like I'm a toy!"
140. "I like this kinda change"
141. "dare you to kiss me."
142. "What's the time?" "Time you got a watch."
143. "She never misses, she never quits, and never loses. If you're alive, it's because she wants you alive."
144. "Because even the sun can envy the stars."
145. "Why are u adding so much sugar to my coffee?" "Cause ur being really salty"
146. "Suck a dick"
147. "Why do u hate me so much?"
148. "Someone roll me a joint!"
149. "Amazing, isn't it?"
150. "Stop putting the 'fuckboi jock' act on"
151. "I hope one day you're as happy as you're pretending to be."
152. "She's missing, not dead."
153. "Hi it's y/n. Y/n L/n"
154. "Promise me you'll stay." 
155. "Don't even talk to me"
156. "Why did u change?"
157. "I'm like 20% sure this plan will work. The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it's a really solid plan."
158. "If my parents knew what I was doing, they'd kill me." 
159. "I may despise you with the burning white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."
160. "She was my sister but I broke her"
161. "I'm sorry, but I can't trust you anymore."
162. "All of those people are alive right now because of her."
163. "Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this homework"
164. "You were always the quiet one."
165. "You've only heard his point of view. You never asked mine."
166. "No! I'm tired of doing what you say!"
167. "Why? Why do u do this to yourself?"
168. "Not the baby pictures!!!"
169. "There were few things that truly weren't meant to exist. One of them was..... u"
170. "Y/n what is 7x290?" "Urrr.....orange?"
171. "I promised myself I wouldn't let him complete me"
172. "U can't hide ur problems from the ones u love" "well Hannah did" "get the fuck out now!"
173. "Fuck u! Fuck u! And most definitely FUCK U!"
174. "Hannah Baker? *smiles* Yeah she was my best friend"
175. "She was broken in a lot of ways, but there was a brilliance in her that he wanted to know all about."
176. "I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn't sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage."
177. "Don't u fuckin see? U broken me!"
178. "Please don't leave"
179. "Pull the trigger.....I dare u"
180. "It was a compelling and convincing argument and for that reason i chose to ignore it."
181. "I can't do it anymore"
182. "It was as if she didn't understand the concept of 'shut up'."
183. "Don't give up on me!"
184. "The kiss tasted like tears."
185. "My life is my own to ruin."
186. "You are cordially invited to go fuck yourself." 
187. "I'd rather carress my asshole with a chainsaw."
188. "I can't let u go"
189. "He won't talk to me anymore"
190. "Put some clothes on"
191. "Just shut up and listen to me!" 
192. "I've heard it all before"
193. "Been there done that"
194. "He would never truly admit it, but..."
195. "I'm fat! I'm ugly! Kys!"
196. "Shh, I promise its all gonna be alright now. I promise."
195. "I called for u but then I remember u weren't here with me anymore"
196. "The Sun could never truly divorce the Sky."
197. "But what would have happened if..."
198. "I know!"
199. "A smile played on his lips...and that's when I knew I was in trouble"
200. "T'was wicked."
201. "Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds."
202. "Have you done it yet?"
203. "An echoing howl."
204. "Why cant you just open your eyes and see?!"
205. "Its not right."
206. "He watched me, never realising that I was watching him."
207. "My breathing quickened. He knew what was happening to me"
208. "Please. Just let me in."
209. "Sing me a lullaby."
210. "It cracked and shattered- and with it, so did my heart."
211. "It just...hurts."
212. "I laughed and laughed until I couldn't laugh anymore."
213. "I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore."
214. "I did all of this for you. What more could you want?"
215. "Don't you ever get lonely?"
216. ".....I gave u everything yet u didn't seem to give a damn"
217. "It was a long time ago, but some people still couldn't forgive."
218. "It started without the glamour, without the drama. It started with a smile." (Reminds me of Justin tbh)
219. "That was his fourth helping, and I still hadn't finished my first!"
220. "Where the hell have you been?"
221. "Please just leave me alone..."
222. "It looked like it was getting fun so I decided to join in."
223. "Oh, come on! It was only the one!"
224. "I fell in love with the tinkle of his laugh and the gleam in his eye."
225. "Happy ever after? Please."
226. "Was there ever anything there?"
227. "Gods, he was gorgeous."
228. "I want to break those glasses with my pelvis."
229. "The bluest blue to ever freaking blue."
230. "He wasn't as tough as they all thought. And we all knew it but we didn't want to believe it"
231. "Oh shit."
232. "You shot me?!"
233. "He didn't have anyone else, so I always made sure that I was there for him"
234. "Could you ever truly forgive him?"
235. "I'm sorry, I've never seen you before."
236. "Ur mums a fridge and ur dads a breadstick!"
237. "Fabulosity."
238. "It was your favourite, and he knew."
239. "Are you sure you're all right?"
240. "Don't you die on me."
241. "03:18AM. I went by ur house and well u weren't there"
242. "Wow. Just, wow..."
243. "I can't do this."
244. "It was real. It was real to me."
245. "You broke me."
246. "You never really loved me, did you?"
247. "It's hurts too much."
248. "Does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?"
249. "Stop saying you're sorry!"
250. "Can you hold me?"
251. "I don't want to live without you. I can't."
252. "This is why I don't let anyone in!"
253. "I don't want to feel anymore."
254. "No! I won't be your secret."
255. "Every time I see you, I die. You are killing me and you don't even know it."
256. "What happened to us? We used to be so close."
257. "The thing is, I can't pretend we never happened because I'm still in love with you."
258. "You wanna know the last thing I thought of? You. I thought of you."
259. "How is leaving so easy for you?"
260. "Wake up!"
261. "You need to let go."
262. "Don't leave me! Please!"
263. "He was my person."
264. "Why does it hurt so much?" "Cause it was real."
265. "I can't do this without you."
266. "You're lying."
267. "I will always love you."
268. "U can't leave me alone! Ur all I have"
269. "No matter how hard I try, I can't stay away from you."
270. "It wasn't over, it still isn't over!"
271. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?"
272. "I thought about you every second I was gone."
273. "I'm not going to apologize for loving you."
274. "I need to move on, and so do you."
275. "There is not one moment where im nothing thinking about you."
276. "The only person I hate right now is myself."
277. "It wasn't my age that ruined us, it was you."
278. "I made a mistake, I need you."
279. "It shouldn't be this hard."
280. "You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."
281. "I tried to tell him I love him, but I when I open my mouth, nothing comes out."
282. "I am no good for you."
283. "There is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance, when you really don't."
284. "So pick me, choose me, love me."
285. "I miss him, all the time, I miss him. It's not waves, it's constant."
286. "There was a time where I thought you were the love of my life. But things change."
287. "Everyone keeps leaving me."
288. "How are you fine? How are you completely fine? I'm ruined. I am dead, I am wrecked."
289. "I'm not gonna stop caring about you no matter how hard you push me away."
290. "I turned my life upside for you and you walked away."
291. "Being your friend is basically ruining my life."
292. "It was so hard giving you up."
293. "If you leave, I will literally go out of my freakin mind."
294. "Suck my ass"
295. "I'm.....pregnant"
296. "I'm moving away" "for how long" ".....I guess forever"
297. "I always knew I'd take a bullet for u.....and I always knew u wouldn't take one for me"
298. "It's ok u don't have to love me"
299. "U were too late"
300. "I'm sorry for ur loss"
301. "U have no idea who I am, do u?"
302. "That's got to be the lamest pickup line in existence"
303. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
304. "Bitch I'm as cold as ice so don't test my patience"
305. "I'm going to protect u"
306. "Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that"
307. "You're not going to lose me"
308. "U don't have to be alone"
309. "Do u want to talk about it?"
310. "I don't care what they think, to me, you're perfect"
311. "You're everything to me"
312. "I'm okay, ur okay, were okay"
313. "Just breathe"
314. "I'll stay right here, okay?"
315. "You're not gonna lose me"
316. "You'll be alright, no one can hurt u now"
317. "Just know that I love u, I love u with all my fucked up, piece of shit heart"
318. "Do u miss her?" "All the time"
319. "I'm fuckin suicidal!"
320. "If I go through with this, I die but if I don't go through with this, we all die!"
321. "I'm mentally lost"
322. "Death isn't scary anymore, it's beautiful"
323. "I just want to be loved..."
324. "I care!"
325. "Don't say no one wants u, cause I want u! I'm here! I fight everyday for u"
326. "Ur beautiful"
327. "Stop lying to me!"
328. "Don't ignore me! I'm here! I'm real"
329. "Stop hurting me!"
330. "If u fall, I'll pick u back up"
331. "U don't have to end ur story"
332. "I'm willing to do anything to make u happy"
333. "Ur not a nobody"
334. "I'm done...so fuckin done"
335. "I can't carry on anymore"
336. "I couldn't even say goodbye"
337. "I'm fine" "don't lie" "I'm not, I'm ok...I promise"
338. "She's gone and it's my fault"
339. "I made her do it!" "No we made her do it"
340. "I feel nothing, I'm numb"
341. "Love u case I die"
342. "Stop being so distant"
343. "U're so goddamn oblivious"
344. "I can't fight my demons anymore"
345. "I-I have to go"
346. "Monets?" "Of course"
347. "T-they abuse me"
348. "I don't want to be fixed!"
349. "Let's play suck and blow"
350. "Who will fix me now?"
351. "I believe that the stars are the spirits of the dead"
353. "Nobody can save me now"
354. "I love everyone of y'all but I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry"
355. "S-She's dead"
356. "Why do u hate relationships?"
357. "Someone call an ambulance"
358. "I'm glad ur ok" "don't u dare close ur eyes"
359. "Stop hurting ur self"
360. "I'm a nobody"
361. "How can I love a fat cow like u?"
362. "U don't know me, u haven't walked my path and u haven't seen what I've seen"
363. "I wish someone would tell me everything would be ok"
364. "I'll be strong for u! We will do this together"
365. "U're not alone! We're here, look at us!"
366. "Please, pick up!"
367. "I've lost myself and idk how to get back"
368. "I'm sorry for not being strong enough"
369. "Why didn't I know she was hurting?"
370. "No! No! No! Come back, wake up! Please, u-u can't l-leave m-me"
371. "They just threw her in the ambulance with no care in the world"
372. "Don't cry, sshh"
373. "Why did she do it?"
374. "I needed u y/n but u were never there"
375. "Oh look everyone! This locker belonged to my best friend who killed herself!"
376. "No one cared!"
377. "D-Don't leave"
378. "I give up, tell me the answers"
379. "Y/n ure my best friend so don't and I mean, don't do it"
380. "Y/n....she made everyone happy and made them feel special yet we didn't even help her, we ignored her and now she's gone"
381. "If I'm not hurting myself, I'm hurting everyone around me"
382. "I tried to tell them I was alive!"
383. "Y/n? Y/n u can't leave!"
384. "U are a coward"
385. "It should have been me"
386. "She was supposed to come back with us"
387. "U DID THIS NO ME!"
388. "I have a plan" "is it a good one?" "....I have a plan"
389. "I'm glad ur not hurt"
391. "If we get arrested it's ur fault"
392. "My food!" "Forget the food, we have to leave" "but....my food"
393. "See u at 8 beautiful"
394. "Why is it so hard to eat without dropping any food?"
395. "PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN!" "Please go to bed" "ha no"
396. "She's stopped breathing"
397. "CASH ME OUSSIDE HOW BOUT DAT?!!!" "Who gave her sugar?" "Not me!"

398. "Just take the damn hoodie" "But it's hideous" "You're cold" "I'd rather literally die of hypothermia than be seen dead in that" 

399. "Who are u suppose to be dressed as?" "U, but  better" "Yeah.....I dont think its possible to exceed this perfection"

400. "It's just....they're so big....and beautiful" "Buddy, my tits are down here" "What? oh sorry i was...kinda caught up looking at ur eyes there. Sorry" "Fuckin marry me?"

401. "U promised me, no more junk food!" "B-but.....my food, u're no fun"

402. "This is the worst decision I've ever made" "U're the one who wanted to bathe in applesauce, i dont know why u're looking at me"

403. "Y/N....." "Who do i need to kill?" 

404. "What does I D K mean?" "I dont know" "Ugh i'll go ask someone else" "No Y/N, thats what it means"

405. "Go away!" "Why?" "Cause dude....i gotta wazz"

406. "Everyone is so nice until they drive u to kill yourself!"

407. "Everybody wants to talk, but the're scared no one will listen"

408. "Get off him Montgomery!" "Why? What are u gonna do about it Y/L/N?" "I will cut ur dick off and make my dog bury it in ur backyard, sound good?"

409. "Clay, honey, ur name does not belong on this list" 

410. "Hannah bear, listen carefully. This tape is dedicated to u for a reason"

411. "I'm not like u, i dont have 10 guys chasing me at all times waiting for u to go on a date with one of them"

412. "Why does everyone have to die on me?!"

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