2 - Why Would He?

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The first day without Mark was bearable. I have another evaluation and I busied myself worrying about it the whole day. I wasn't able to practice well before that. Luckily, I didn't make any mistakes though I wasn't on my best. Mark called me when they got to Busan, still a bit upset about earlier. Although I'm also upset, I have to pretend everything's ok and that I'm fine with him going there even if it's killing me.

Was I always this jealous? I know I got jealous countless of times before when I was still with Sean. Since I don't remember how I was with Mark before all these, I'm not sure if it's right to feel this way. Do I even have the right to be like this? It surely sucks forgetting.

The next day was a bit better. He called me early in the morning, during their lunch break, and again at night. I was just controlling myself not to ask about Sandra. I've seen some pictures Jackson has uploaded on his Instagram and  she was with them at the beach.

The following days were different though. Mark was too busy to give me a call in the morning and when he called at night, we only talked for a short time since I could hear from his voice he was tired.

It's now the fifth day and I already miss him, even more than my petty jealousy. I think the empty flask and the half consumed bottle of sativa under the sink would tell you how much I want him here beside me.

"You ok?" Rain sits beside me after our practice. She must've noticed my mistakes earlier. "You wanna talk about it?"

I just shake my head and show her a weak smile. "I'm sorry."

"Let's go out." She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Just us girls."

"That'd be nice." I smile genuinely. I haven't been out for some time and I think I really need it right now.

I try calling Mark to tell him I'd be going out, but he must still be training. So, I leave a message instead.

Zuho is in my apartment once he knew about our plan. He's really mad, telling me my mom is gonna know about this. He only agrees to let me go and not tell my mom after I promised I'd call him when I'm ready to go home so he could pick me up. He and some of the guys would be going out, too.

Rain, Sena and Jade are already in front of the club when I get there. All of us are dressed in sexy yet comfortable outfits. Finally, I get to wear the clothes I bought secretly when Mark and I went out shopping a month ago. I know he would be giving me that death glare of his when he sees me right now.

But, he isn't here.

We order some cocktails to start us up once we've settled at a table near the dance floor. I'm already on my third glass when I see a familiar face at the table across the floor. I squint my eyes and get up, unconsciously going near him.

"Jinyoung." I pat his shoulder and he turns to look. It is him. "What are you doing here?" I furrow my brows, confused. "Aren't you supposed to be in Busan with the others?" I ask. I look at the others with him and notice Youngjae bending his head on the table and one other guy I don't recognize.

"Cris." He gets up sloppily, grinning from ear to ear. "How are you?" He puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

"Why are you not in Busan?" I ask again, pushing him a bit since he's getting too close for comfort.

"I didn't want to go." He shrugs his shoulders. Maybe because he's too drunk that his legs can't support him, he goes back to his seat and asks me to sit on an empty chair he pulls from the table nearby. "Who are you with?" He asks, looking around.

"What do you mean you didn't wanna go? Mark told me all the trainees needed to." I just realized there are only a few of them in the picture I saw from one of Jackson's posts.

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now