19 - Mark V

422 23 15

As if I'm in some kind of a dream .... No ... more of like a nightmare.

"Trey. Please." I beg again.

The girl raises her eyebrow and chuckles. "Trey?" Her lips slowly form an angry smirk. "My sister is long dead, Mark."


Her eyes get misty and she avoids my stare by looking up front. She takes deep breaths before speaking again. "She's dead and she's never coming back."

"I'm sorry." I think it's the best thing to say. "For what happened to her. I'm really sorry. Trey was a ..."

She turns her head to look back at me. "It's not your fault."

"Then what is this all about?"

She just shakes her head and looks away again.

I turn to my side. "Sandra. What are you doing? What is this?"

"You know what this is all about Mark." She stares back at me. "From the very beginning, you know why I followed you in LA."

"We've talked about this." I grit my teeth. "I thought you said you understand? You said you're happy as long as I am."

"Are you? Really? With that junkie girl? She doesn't love you, Mark. She said it herself."

I look out the window, fighting back my tears. "And your father?" I turn to her again.

It's her turn to look somewhere else. "That ... Only a weak man would do that to himself ." Her voice is soft.

"What?" I try to turn her to look at me with my bound hands, pushing her shoulder back. "Sandra. What are you talking about? At least keep your promise to him that you'd never follow his footsteps."

"You don't understand."

"What don't I understand here? I have given you a life to start with, Sandra. And you're just throwing that away."

There are tears in her eyes when she looks at me. "But ... it's without you."

"JESUS, SANDRA!" I raise my voice and she jumps on her seat. "What has gotten into you, huh? This is not the Sandra I know. This is not the one I thought was my friend."

"Oh, c'mon." The girl in front faces us, this time she has the gun on my head. "One more word out of your fuckin' mouth and you'd see your brain on the roof of the car."

"BEL! NO!" Sandra shouts, reaching for the gun. "You promised you won't hurt him."

The girl, Bel, glares at me then turns to Sandra as she pulls away the gun. "Make him shut up or you're both gonna be dead."

I stay quiet the rest of the ride. The house, more like a small storage place, we go to is just near the place I found Cris the other night. They've really been following her closely. I'm also surprised to see a few men outside, guarding the place.

Before I get pulled off the car, the guy puts a blind fold over my eyes and secures the cuffs behind me.

How many are they in this scheme?

Obviously, Trey's sister is out for revenge. She must be blaming us for what happened to Trey.

Sandra ... I'm sure she just got tangled into this. She doesn't look like she's been doing the planning. She must've been just blackmailed.

But, someone else is manning this operation. Trey's sister and Sandra couldn't afford to pay all these men. Even with the money they got from the resort, it's not enough to fund all these.

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now