25 - I'm Coming After You

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"What the .....!!!!" I exclaim, staring at the boy standing by the tall chair with his annoyed face. "WANG!!!!" I crease my brows and walk slowly towards him, who is now smiling from ear to ear. "How ....???"

"It's nice to see you, too." He grins and pulls me in his arms. He breathes deeply and exhales aloud before releasing me and taking a step back to eye me from head to toe. "You look like shit, Cris. What the fuck have you been doing to yourself?"

My giggles come out naturally. "Well ... you know.... the usual ... hanging out with other junkies." I laugh when I see him laugh, too. "So ... How'd you get in here?" I ask my original question. Although I'm more than disappointed that it isn't Mark, still I'm happy to see an old familiar face. 

He pulls a chair for me and he sits on the tall chair he jumped off from earlier. "I got my connections." He sneers proudly to himself as he takes a sip of the lemonade on the counter.

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you!" He raises an eyebrow and pouts his lips. 

"How do you even know I'm here?"

"I said ... I got connections." He chuckles, gulping the lemonade down. 

"Oh my God!" I stare at his side profile and can't help but grin. "I still can't believe you're here." I think the last time I've seen him was two or three weeks before Mark went to Busan without me and all hell broke loose. "How's training going?"

"Great!" Just by his tone, I know he's having a hard time. I suddenly remember the times we practiced together when Mark was gone. He kept on telling me he wanted to quit because he missed his family. But, look at him now. 

He tells me more about the other trainees in JYP, some have left and new ones have entered. He updates me on what's happening in the other company I've been in, too. I don't ask him about Zuho though. I don't even know if Jackson knows what happened before I left Korea. 

Before we know it, Claire comes in the parlor to call us for lunch. After that, Jackson forces me to go walking along the beach with him, even if it's the middle of the day and the sun is scorching hot. They don't send someone to watch over me, this time. Maybe because Jackson's with me anyway. 

We buy some ice cream and rest at a beach side stall when he realizes he's become darker in just a few minutes. 

We're both quiet as we enjoy the cool treat and watch some kids building sand castles in one side. I here him sigh and I look at him. He's staring at me with a serious expression on his face. "How are you?"

I shrug my shoulders and look away. Now that we're both done talking about good stuff, I expected this to come. 

"Mark told me." He continues. 

Mark still contacts him? Good for him.

I furrow my brows as I bend my head low, turning my body so I'm completely facing the other side, my face away from him. 

"He told me what happened ... you know ... back in Korea?"

I'm not sure if he sees me nod. 

"He came to visit for a short while."

He did? Lucky you!

"He's back in London now though."

London, huh? So, he's really with Sandra now. Could they be staying at Sandra's house? Could he have bought a new house for her? Could he be putting up a business while Sandra continues her studies? Could they be happy?

Unconsciously, tears flow down my eyes. 

"He's .... He's in trouble, Cris."

"What???" I exclaim, forgetting all my tears as I stare at Jackson. "What do you mean? What happened?" My heart beat races as fear eats me up. "Is he ok? Jackson!"

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now