23 - Mark VI

355 21 9

"Please, Sandra. I promise I would stay with you no matter what."

There's no going back for me anyway. Clearly, Cris doesn't want me back in her life. This could be the last thing I could do for her.

"Please, Sandra." I beg her more when I hear footsteps getting closer to the entrance of the warehouse. I can see that she's still hesitating and I'm getting more and more desperate as seconds tick by. "Please, hurry."

Just as if the gods have been listening to my little prayer, Sandra moves from where she's squatting and goes behind me. Her hands work quickly on the tight rope and, in seconds, my wrists are free from their confines. 

"Untie them." I tell her, pointing at Mr. Samson and Ed still tied up together on the floor. I get up and run to the door, which is now slightly opening. I pick up a broken piece of thin metal sheet that was lying on the floor and stand beside the door. I reach the first hand that gets in the crack and pull the person towards me, pressing the edge of the sheet on the throat. 

The girl, Karen, is taken by surprise. And so is the other girl and the five men with them. 

"Don't you dare." I threaten, pushing the sharp tip on Karen's throat harder when I see the men put up their guns and point them at me. "Put that down." I tell the other girl, who doesn't seem to be fazed by my challenge.

"Bel, put it down." Karen tells her. I can sense her fear with the shaking of her voice. 

"No." Bel shouts. 


Bel's eyes shift to the people behind us. "Don't you fuckin' move." She yells, moving the gun and pointing it at them. 

"Bel. Just put the fuckin' gun down." Karen yells, too. 

The other girl shakes her head. She looks very determined at what she's doing. "I'm not fuckin' going down like this." She slowly walks towards us and reaches her hand to Karen. "Give me the phone."

"Don't!" I raise my voice, moving Karen with me as I take a small step back, making the sheet dig into her skin deeper. 

"That bitch has to die, too!" Bel takes another step closer.

"Bel. It's over. Put down the gun, girl." Ed is already making his way nearer to the younger girl. 

Bel glares at him. "Nothing is over until I say it is. Don't you see, old man? You're outnumbered." She smirks then and tilts her head to the side. "Kill them." She orders the men.

"No!" Karen exclaims before I can even open my mouth to make another threat. 

The look on Bel's eyes scares the shit out of me though. "Sorry, Karen. But, every plan has its casualties." She says. 

I feel Karen tensing as she stares at Bel in disbelief. 

"Unfortunately, now, you are gonna be that casualty." The conviction on Bel's voice is frightening. It just tells me that she won't back down even in a shoot out.

She must've  really hated us ... most especially Cris for what happened to her sister. Trey was a really good friend, I bet she was even a better sibling to her. 

"We're too close to having what we want, Karen. I can't just let it go now." She continues. 

I can see Ed and Mr. Samson inching slowly to the girl. I look at the men and, fortunately, their attention are at me. I quickly duck, pulling Karen down with me, when Mr. Samson successfully takes the gun from Bel and he starts to shoot towards the men. One of them falls flat on the ground, dropping his gun and it slides across the floor. I let go of Karen and crawl towards it. As soon as my fingers touch the cold metal, I open fire. 

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum