29 - Mark

461 29 16

"Mark?" Sandra is now standing behind me, her hand on my shoulder. 

My eyes follow the car that is quickly disappearing in the distance. 

Was it her? My eyes weren't just playing tricks on me, were they? I wasn't just imagining, was I? It was Cristina. 

Or could it just be my guilt? Guilt when I kissed Sandra and thought of completely forgetting about Cris? 

"Mark?" Sandra taps my shoulder, making me take my eyes off the now empty road and back to her. "Who was it?"

"I ..." I furrow my brows. "I just thought I saw someone. It was nothing." I shake my head and push her gently in the car. "Let's just talk in the house, ok? You're gonna get sick, Sandra."

The ride home is quiet. Though the heat in the car is up high, I'm shivering inside. My spine tingles at the thought of the girl earlier. Sandra didn't see her, did she? What if she did? Shit! What if it wasn't really Cristina in the first place? Sandra would've reacted differently if it were her, wouldn't she?

"Sandra." I look up at her from the chair. She's already changed when she comes out of her room and joins me in the living room. "I'm really sorry."

She sighs and sits beside me. "I'm sorry, too. I think I just overreacted."

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, a bit relieved that she's not crying anymore. 

"Mark?" She looks at me, an expression on her face I couldn't describe. "I have to tell you something." She pauses, maybe gauging my reaction. But, I stay silent, waiting for her to continue. "I haven't been really honest with you lately. I ... You know when ...."

"What is it?" 

She stares at me longer and I swear all the hair in my body are already standing up. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous. 

"I'm ... pregnant!"

It's my turn to stare back at her, my face stay expressionless. Should I laugh at the absurdity of this? "What?" I ask, maybe I heard her wrong. 

"I'm pregnant." She repeats, clearer and louder. 

"No ..." I manage a weak and awkward chuckle. "That's not possible. Who ... ?"


I shake my head, trying to chuckle again but fail. I get up from the chair and pace the living room, looking anywhere but at her. I run my fingers through my hair and bite down on my lips as I think. "But.... we ...didn't ..."

"You don't remember?" She raises her voice and gets up from the sofa, too. "A month ago .... we were ..."

A month ago? 

"We were drunk and ..."

No. This isn't possible. I wouldn't. I know I couldn't. I couldn't even kiss her without thinking of Cristina. How the fuck would I even touch her like that? Even if I were drunk ....

"Mark ... Please say something."

"Wait." I go back to the sofa and cover my face with my hands. "There's no way ...."

She leaves me alone for a moment and when she comes back she tosses something at me. It lands just beside me on the couch. I take a peek and see it's a pregnancy test. I close my eyes and breathe deeper. 

"This must be a mistake." I say under my breath. "I'm sure I didn't ...."

"Have sex with me?" She strides towards me and stops just in front of me. "Really? Mark?" She's crying again, but I can't dare to look up and confirm. "We did it several times and you still won't admit that we did?"

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now