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"Mark?" I turn over to my side, on my laying position on the mat that we have spread over the sand, to face him. 

Mark is laying flat on his back, one arm over his eyes, trying to cover the sun from overhead. "Uhm?" He sounds off. 

We're in Malibu for a regular visit to the rehabilitation center that Mark helped me put up. It's his first time coming with me here ever since the center has opened a year ago. It's for young girls who got addicted into drugs and alcohol due to some traumatic experiences they had encountered. 

If I'm not travelling with Mark in his countless business ventures, I would be here, enjoying the sun and helping the staff out as much as I can. 

Due to what happened to me in the past, it was easy for me to relate to the teens that are brought to the facility. I actually enjoy it. Sharing the dreadful events wasn't easy for me at first, but when I heard what the kids have gone through, I felt that I was even lucky for managing to still be alive at this point. My problems in the past were just trifling compared to what I heard from them.   

Because I come here very frequently recently, Mark has decided to get a place just near the facility. It's a beautiful, two-story beach house on top of a cliff, with a wide patio that's overlooking the crashing waves below. I've just moved in a few days ago, and I'm already falling in love with the tranquility and the spectacle of the place. 

"What?" Mark removes the cover over his face and turns to look at me when I stay silent. 

"Uhm ..." I lick my lips before continuing. "I ... I was thinking .... wouldn't it be better for ... uhm ..."

"Babe. Just spill it." He urges, a bit impatient as I must've disturbed his nap. 

I clear my throat and start over, sitting up so I can keep my words straight. "Don't you think it'd be better for Sandra and Karen to be admitted in the facility?" I say it too fast, not looking at him, in fear that I won't be able to finish my sentence when I see his expression. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY??!???!??" 

I jerk in surprise at his loud, deep and very angry voice. 

He's already sitting upright and is holding both my shoulders, forcing me to face him. "Babe. What the fuck has gotten into you? Are you even thinking straight?"

I sigh, looking down at my folded legs under me. I've expected this reaction. 

I've visited Karen in prison three months ago without Mark or my parents knowing. Mark was in Mexico for a week to attend a convention and I didn't go with him because it was the opening of one of my mom's restaurants in San Diego. Two years after the last incident, I was able to master my courage and face her. 

We had a long talk, Karen and I. And from the time we started to the time I had to leave, she couldn't lift his head up and look me straight in the eye. She was regretting everything. I could see it. And when I got back home after the visit, I suddenly felt like I wanted to help her. What she did was caused by a chain of unfortunate events. And those events were caused by none other than me and my family. As much as I hated and feared her after what happened, somehow, I still feel guilty. 

And Sandra. I haven't talked to her nor visited her. But, my dad contacts the family who adopted her son every now and then. Although Sandra's reasons for doing what she did is different from Karen's, I feel pity for her. I'm hoping that the programs the facility offer would be able to help her change. 

"NO, Cristina." Mark pushes my shoulder slightly, letting me go. "You can't get me with those eyes this time." He says, getting up and looking away, avoiding my pleading eyes and pouting lips. "God damn it!" He grits his teeth when he makes a mistake and glances over his shoulder to see my face again. "Babe." He sits back down in front of me. He rubs his palms on his face then parts his fingers to make a gap for his eyes. "Please. Anything but that."

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now