34 - Everything I've Ever Hoped For

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It's a miracle that Mark even lived. He was shot from the back and the bullet went through him. In it's path, it hit a vital part of his heart. He didn't need a transplant, however. They did an open heart surgery on him and the doctor said it was successful. Still, there was a minimal chance for him to live. 

As time passed by, during those months he was in a coma, his vital signs became more and more stable. That gave us hope that he'd soon wake up and live a normal life. 

Although the doctors and nurses and even some of the people who come to visit always tell us that a lot of people have survived such case, there is still that downward pulling fact that he may not wake up ... ever. 

There was only one other time that I witnessed Mark react, moving his fingers weakly and twitching his lips, it was when I got up for the first time. 

After that, there were no other signs of him being aware of what is happening around him or even getting better. 

Until now. 


I quickly go back to the bed, holding his hand up to my lips. Tears stream down my cheeks and drip down to the sheets covering him. 

"What?" Mark's mom is already beside me. "Did he move?" Her voice reflects the hopes that are rising. 

"Yes." A smile forms on my lips as I look down at Mark's face. "Babe? Can you hear me?" 

Although his eyes are closed, I can see it moving. Mrs. Tuan's cries become louder. 

But, that was it. 

I stay in the hospital a few more days, staying, almost every minute, by his side, being hopeful again. 

However, there were no other movements from him. 

I am even more disheartened to leave now. But, a very important practicum is coming up and I need to catch up since I haven't practiced anything in the past days. I haven't even thought of what I would be doing. Mark's mom literally pushed me out the door because I hesitated one too many times. 

Although I planned on immersing myself into practicing for the evaluations, I still couldn't take my mind off the boy that I left in the hospital three weeks have passed. I call whoever is watching Mark every minute I get, to ask if anything new has happened. But, I always get a negative answer. 

The day of the practicum has arrived and I couldn't put my all to concentrating on the piece I have to do. 

"Ms. Samson." Mr. Kinley's voice reverberates around the small auditorium. "Again!" He shouts, although he doesn't really need to, because everybody is silent, only soft whispers from the other students can be heard. "Put your heart into it, Cristina. What's wrong with you today? Are you ok? Are you intentionally failing this class?"

"No, Sir." I answer softly, my head bent over the black grand piano in front of me. 

"Would you want to do this or not?"

Do I? I'm not sure. Because the only thing I want to do at this moment, and for the past few weeks, is go back to the hospital and see Mark. 

Still, I answer him with a soft, "Yes, Sir."

"Okay. Take a deep breath and start from the top."

A loud clapping from the second tier of the auditorium grabs everyone's attention before I could even release the breath that I was holding in. I turn my head towards the sound and squint my eyes. Since the lights are all pointing towards me, it's hard to see who it is, not even a silhouette. It could be the guy from one of my classes who'd been following me around lately, or just some random people passing by. It could also be one of the girls that has been bitching with me. 

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now