9 - Stranger Things Happen

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I stumble backwards, almost falling on the ground. My heart doesn't seem to beating and the blood in my body feels like it has been drained out of me.

Before I can recover and balance myself, I get pulled from the waist and a hand goes over my mouth. Dropping my phone, I am carried out of the sidewalk and at the side of the building, behind a wide post.

"Let me go!" I try to say, but the hand muffles my sound.

"Quiet." A voice of a man says from behind me. The guy holds me closer to him, as if hiding both of us from something.

Then I see them. A group of three guys in black suits stop a few feet away from us. "Where the fuck did she go?" One says. "She couldn't get far."

There was a movement at the parking lot at the other side of the road and they run that direction.

A picture of Mark pinning me on the wall and holding a hand over my mouth comes to mind. Another memory/dream that might've happened before. Maybe it is Mark. Maybe he's here to get me. Suddenly, I feel relieved.

But, the hand feels different.

The arm on my waist loosens a bit and I turn and kick the guy, hitting his shin.

"Fuck!" The guy curses, but his hand remains on my mouth. He pulls me by my neck and I hit my back on his chest. "Cristina. Damn it!"

His voice now sounds familiar. "John?" I quit wriggling and slowly turn to face him. Even in the dark, I can see the profile of his face and it really is the boy that approached me last time.

"Huh..." He sighs, reaching down at his leg. "You remember me now, huh?"

"What are you doing here?" I take a step back, out of his reach ... just in case I need to run again. "Were you following me?" I try not to show my fear, but being cautious at the same time, gripping the strap of my backpack on my shoulder.

"No." He scoffs. "I just happen to be staying at the same hotel, too. I was on my way in when I saw you get out."

"And you followed me."

"I was calling out your name." He stands up straight. "But, you seem to be preoccupied." He looks at me from head to foot. "Where are you going at this time of the night?"

"None of your business." I walk away from behind the post and to where I think I dropped my phone.

"Hey." He catches up with me, grabbing my shoulder. "Those guys can still be out there."

I stop then, looking over my shoulder at him, then around for the guys. "Do you know them?" I ask him, eyeing him with suspicion.


I narrow my eyes, slowly stepping away from him. "How'd you know they were after me?" I walk backwards slowly, ready to run.

"Isn't it obvious?" He raises a brow. "Why are they after you anyway?"

"Why do you care?" I turn on my heels, searching the ground for my phone.

"Because I just saved you?" He says, jogging beside me.

I sigh then. "Thanks."

"What are you looking for?"

I back up when I reach the body, and I freeze, my eyes getting teary again.

"Fuck!" John exclaims, just now noticing the horrible sight by the side of the road. "What the ... Damn it ... "

"Don't...." My voice is hoarse when I try to stop him from getting nearer.

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now