26 - Mark VII

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"Mark. You comin'?" Sandra's waiting at the foot of the stairs. "You take longer to get dressed than a girl." She laughs. "C'mon. Hurry up!"

"Okay! Okay!" I yell back, grabbing the jacket Sandra prepared for me on the bed, and I run out of the room. A smirk forms on my lips when I see her fingers, tapping impatiently on the railing of the stairs. I tease her more when she pouts, taking my time in going down, one small step at a time.

"Ugh!" She rolls her eyes at me and turns around then stomps her way to the front door. "You're hopeless, Tuan."

"You're hopeless, Twain!"

I look down and smile bitterly at the memory of the brat. Just one of thousands ... maybe even hundreds of thousand ... or millions ... of memories that flood my mind every single second of each day. 

I miss her, more than anything else in the world. I've temporarily left my family and friends in LA, but, the times I think about them don't come close the times I ask myself questions on what Cristina could be doing, or thinking, or even eating - if she's even eating. 

Her dad told me one time when I called him, that she hasn't been answering their calls lately and she hasn't been accepting visitors in rehab. Maybe she's in just one of her tantrums again. I'm just hoping that she's recovering well so she could go back to her normal life - whether it's to continue school or chase after her dreams in singing. 

As for me?

This is where I belong now. 

Two months ago, after Sandra has recovered, we both moved to London. I bought a house for us to live in cause the old house she used to have is too small. Besides, this is nearer her University. It only takes her five-minutes walk to get there. 

My dad has talked to one of his business associates based here and he was willing to help me put up a hotel. The negotiations didn't take long, but the building of the establishment is taking more time than I expected because of its cost and how big it is. My dad took over the management in the resort in Korea, sending one of his trusted men from China to look after it. I still have more than enough money though to spend on Sandra and me until the hotel would be open for business. 

Sandra and I?

Well .... I don't really know what to call it. I'm trying. I admit it's not easy to pretend to be happy with her when all I want is to run to Malibu and be with the person I love. But, I have to stick to my promise, who knows what hell she'll bring Cristina if I back out from this. I can see that she's trying her best to make me smile everyday, but, her best isn't just enough to fill up the very huge emptiness inside me. 

I kissed her a couple of times - when I was too drunk to realize it wasn't Cristina I was holding. I'm sure I called her 'brat' or 'babe' more than once. And she thinks I was really pertaining to her. 

I feel guilty for her ... yet, sorry for myself. 

When I left Cristina in front of the hotel in Korea, and never turned to look back, I've decided to forget about her and get on with my life with Sandra. But, as much as I want to erase everything about Cris, every single thing I do and see and hear and even touch reminds me of her. Sometimes, I find myself wishing that I would lose my memory, just like how Cristina lost hers before. If only it's that easy to forget. 

Unfortunately, I'm torn between wanting to let her go and desiring to keep her in my heart. 

"You ok?" Sandra glances at me as I silently sit at the passenger's seat while she drives - I still haven't gotten my driver's license here, I'm still having a hard time adjusting to the right-hand-drive cars they have. So, for now, she would drive me wherever I need to be, when she's free from school. 

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now