32 - Insanity

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I can't die like this, can I? I didn't just survive all those threats before just to be slaughtered after being harassed by this lunatic who clearly doesn't know the whole story. 

"Wait!" I protest and he stops just a foot away from the bed, looking down at me with a psychotic grin that sends more shivers down my spine. "Harvey, right?" I try to sound calm even though I'm shaking and I'm scared shit out of my wits. 

His grin disappears and he pouts, a bit confused at my question and maybe how unruffled I seem to be. "Y...Yeah. Why?" 

"You're the guy I met in the party, aren't you?" I continue, my brain starting to be more organized. 

His head tilts at the side. And a soft, "U-huh" comes out between his slightly parted lips. 

I feign a smile, or a smirk. "You a friend of Sandra?"

He nods his head slowly, his brows slowly meeting in the middle. 

"Is she ... Is she paying you for this?" I continue to stall as half of my brain is working on how the fuck I'd get out from the tight bounds around my wrists and ankles. "Doesn't she owe you a lot already?" I remember their conversation just earlier when they thought I was still asleep. 

His lips turn down to another frown. "I'm not asking for anything else."

Anything else? My eyebrow shoot up in realization. "You love her!?" It's more of a statement than a question. I see his eyes light up a bit. The stupid me have to add, "But, she's marrying Mark."

His eyes go back to being scary and his lips part farther, his teeth show like fangs. And I swear I hear him hiss. "Not if I can help it." He answers, his accent thickening. "Not if I kill you first. Then she'd change her mind."

"What made you think she'd change her mind and go to you?" My impudence takes over and I can't stop my mouth from spitting out words that is making him even more irate than he already is. "Can't you see why she's doing this? She wants to get rid of me so she can have Mark on her own. She loves Mark, Harvey. Don't even think she has one small spot for you in her heart. If she even has one." I rant on. "She doesn't care about you. She's making you do this because she knows you'd get caught and you'd be sent to prison. And that's one last thing for her to worry about."

"Shut up!" His fists are ready to hit me but I still continue. 

"Do you know she followed him to LA before? And Korea?" I feel myself heating up in anger just at the thought of the past when I thought I would be able to trust Sandra. I even fuckin' felt bad for hating her. "It's not just money she wants from him, Harvey. She would care less about Mark's wealth. It's Mark she wants. Haven't you heard? What Sandra wants, Sandra gets. Would you want that? Would you want her to be with Mark? Is that what you want?"

"She wouldn't. We have plans ...."

"On getting married?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. Then my laughter fades as another realization occurs to me. "You .... You're the father?" Somehow, even in my pathetic situation, I feel much lighter knowing that Mark doesn't have anything to do with the growing monster inside Sandra's belly. Then why would he claim it? They must've ...? I shake that away from my thoughts and stare back at Harvey who's now looking a bit discombobulated. 

"She ... She's pregnant?" His expression changes again and I think I see the corners of his lips turn up slightly. 

"You didn't know?" I get confused, too. 

His smile widens and his stance relaxes. He runs his fingers through his hair and he takes steps back, landing on the chair near the bed. "So, it worked? She's pregnant?"

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora