27 - Twain! You're MINE!!!!

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"Jackson!" I hold onto his arm as Neo drives us to the airport. "You're coming with me, right?"

He pats my hand and smiles. "Of course. But ... only for a couple of days. I need to get back ... You know ... training and stuff. So, you better get him as soon as possible."

I nod my head, breathing deeply and licking my lips. 

More than being excited to be seeing Mark again, I'm nervous. What if he doesn't want me? What if we're just assuming here that he still loves me? What if ....


No negative thoughts! I chant silently inside my head. 

"Get in touch with me as soon as you land." Emily says, handing me a phone. "Your hotel's booked. We got a driver for you at your disposal. He'll be meeting you at the airport. You can use the card I gave Jackson whenever you want..."

"Wait!" I stop and look at her. "Where'd you get all the money?" I just ask out of curiosity. It's not that I'm doubting them all of a sudden. It's ... Ok. I'm starting to doubt, alright? Can you blame me? I know it's all been my friends who've fucked up and none of Mark's. But... Still. I have to make sure, right?

Jason just chuckles and shakes his head. "Mark's mom is heading this, ok? You believe us?"

"Mark's mom?" That shocks me even more. I thought Sandra and her were pretty close since the younger used to work for her when she was in LA. 

"Mark's a mama's boy. You should know that." Jason adds, still laughing. "Even when Mark was supposed to be engaged with Sandra, she was the only one who opposed. She actually doesn't think anybody is fit for his son."

"But .. She knows I'm here, doesn't she? She knows I'm going to Mark?" I ask nervously. 

"Yes. And your mom, too."


"Don't worry!" Noe pats my shoulder. "She'll stall your dad so he won't be coming after you for a while. Still, you need to hurry. You know how your dad panics."

Oh my God. I am so confused. My mom .... I thought she doesn't want Mark for me. Even with her close relationship with Mark's parents, she still thinks that I shouldn't be with Mark. If not for my dad, she would have sent me to a place where Mark would never find me. So .... What the heck is this?

"Run along now." Emily pushes us towards the gates. They just announced that we need to be boarding. "Good luck!" She says before pulling me back in her arms. "Bring him back, Cristina."

"I will!"


"Ok." Emily's face is too close the camera that it's taking up the whole screen of the laptop. "We just got some info from one of the girls from her Uni. There's this party at one of Sandra's friends house and they're there."

We just checked in the hotel and we haven't had dinner yet. I can already hear my stomach grumbling and I hear Jackson snickering behind me. 

"Someone's hungry." He is saying as he takes off his jacket and goes to the bathroom. 

NO. We are not sharing the same room. He's just in mine because we have to talk to Emily and the other guys back in LA. 

"Shit, Cris." Emily shakes her head. "Think about food later, ok? Right now, you have to get to that party. It seems like Mark is already drunk. Remember ... Sandra can't see you yet. She shouldn't know you're here, ok?"

"Where is it?" I get up from the bed and grab the phone she gave me. 

"I'll send it to you."

"Jackson!!!" I shout, banging on the door. "Hurry up! We have to go."

Don't - Mark Tuan Fanfic (Third Book for 'Can't')Where stories live. Discover now