Zach breaks up with you😭

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(Y/N)=Your Name

It has been exactly one month since you and Zach have broken up, and it was over something extremely stupid. It was over an argument that the two of you had. An argument over the fact that you and Bryce were "too friendly with each other". Clearly Zach had gone mad. Because you would never cheat on him, and certainly not with Bryce Walker. That guy was a complete asshole and a pervert. If anything, he was always flirting with you, even though you were dating one of his best friends. But you had no intention what so ever to cheat on Zach with Bryce. You loved Zach, you truly did. And he loved you, but clearly not as much as you though because he couldn't see how it was not you being "too friendly" with Bryce but the other way around.
It has been a painful month for you after the break up. You and Zach were perfect for each other, in your eyes and in the eyes of most of the students at Liberty high. You two were the "IT" couple. Always the talk of the school on how cute the two of you were together and how others wished that they had what you and Zach had. Why did things have to end between the two of you. You remember the night where everything went downhill, like it was yesterday...
"I'm not 'all over Bryce' Zach! That's ridiculous!" You yell.
You and Zach were sitting in your living. Your parents were gone for the weekend on some business trip and Zach had promise to keep you company in the time being. So he had come over to your house so the two of you could cuddle and watch some movies. But things turned south pretty quickly...
"Sure you're not." Zach scoffs "You two are always flirting with each other! And right in front of me too!" He booms out.
"You know I'm really surprised that you haven't left me for him yet, slut..." He breathes out the last word that you nearly missed what he said.
But it's too late. You heard it. And you have never been more humiliated and furious in your life.
You look at him straight in the eyes, seething, and slap him. Hard. Right across his face.
"You know what!? Fuck you Zachary!" You spit out. "I fucking hate you! Get out!"
Zach scoffs and then says with malice, "Sure, I'll leave, but know this, we're fucking done (Y/N). I don't even know why I went out with such a slut like you in the first place." Then Zach walks out your door.

How heartbroken you had been that night. You still are, but you had been so devastated that Sunday evening that you didn't even bother going to school the next day. You texted you parents and got them to call the school, telling them you were too sick to go.
When you did show your face at school for the first time after the fight. You saw Zach, leaning against his locker, with Justin and a few other of his friends from the basketball team. He caught your eye when you walked pass him down the hall, and he just acted as if nothing had ever happened. As if he didn't even miss you.
But how wrong you were...

Zach was dying inside. Every muscle, every bone in his body, was physically hurting. HE was hurting. He was so stupid that night, so fucking stupid for the things that he said to you, for the names that he called you. He was just so blinded by jealousy. Jealousy over Bryce and you. He knew you would never do that to him and that it wasn't you flirting with Bryce but Bryce flirting with you. But his emotions clouded his judgement that night, and he took his anger out on you. He feared losing you to Bryce. But after that night, and after what he had said to you, he had lost you anyway.
He was such an asshole that night, and an even bigger asshole for not going after you when he saw you in the hall two days after the fight. All Zach wanted to do was walk up to you, hold you in his arms, and tell you how truly sorry he was.
He was a mess without you. And it only got worse after Hannah Baker had killed herself. After he had received the tapes...

He listen to every single one of them. And it made him feel even lousier hearing what he had done to Hannah, that he was a reason for her death.
Maybe it was for the best that he was not with you anymore. He couldn't even imagine if what had happened to Hannah happened to you. He would never forgive himself if it did, and if it was his fault too.

You could see that Zach had changed over the spend of a month. He looked tired, worn out. You could tell that something was bothering him, and it killed you to see him like this, but he didn't want you anymore, you had to remind yourself of that... So there was nothing you could do to help him.

It was a quiet Saturday evening at your house. Your parents had gone out to an old friend's house to visit and catch up, and wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon, so you had the house to yourself. You were sitting on your bed, going over some chemistry notes for the upcoming test you had on Monday, when the doorbell rang.
'Weird...' You thought to yourself. You weren't expecting any company today, and certainly not at this time of night.
You get up from your bed and trudge down the hallway to the from door.
As soon as you open the door, you won't believe your eyes on who is standing on the other side...
Zach Dempsey, your ex-boyfriend, the guy that had called you a slut and had accused you of cheating on him with Bryce merely a month ago.
'Was he here for round two?' You thought bitterly. Maybe he had thought of some other clever names to insult you with.
"What do you want Zach?" You say tiredly. You really don't need this right now.
"(Y/N)..." He sighs, drained and heartbroken.
There are dark circles under his eyes, you note. Clearly he hasn't been sleeping properly this past few weeks.
'You still love him, even though he doesn't feel the same way for you anymore' you think sadly. So seeing him like this, it breaks your heart a little bit.
You sigh, "Look Zach... You've made it very clear on how you feel about me..." You avert your eyes to the ground, suddenly finding it very interest, "I know you don't want to be with me anymore... I know that you don't love me..." You mumble, tears forming in your eyes, heartbroken by the reality of your statement.
Zach sees the tears, hears the pain in your voice as you say that, and wants to repeatedly kick himself for being such a dick to you. For making you believe that he doesn't love you anymore. Because you could never have been so wrong. He's crazy in love with you and he has never stopped.
He takes a step towards you, and shuts your front door.
"You're wrong" Zach states firmly.
You look up at him with your teary eyes, surprised.
"You've never been more wrong (Y/N). I love you. I love you so fucking much that it kills me everyday to see you in the halls and not be able to kiss you. Not be able to see your beautiful smile greet me every morning at my locker. Not be able to walk you to class or hold your hand. It kills me (Y/N)." He says with so much passion and determination to make you understand how much your break up is affecting him.
"Zach..." You says questioningly.
"I was an asshole that night" He continues, "I was such a fucking asshole that night. And I would take it all back if I could, I would erase that night and forget it ever happen, believe me (Y/N). If I could do that, I would. I was stupid and I was scared. I was scared that Bryce would take you away from me. That you would get tired of me and leave me, and I just took it out on you and said some pretty stupid fucking things to you. I said some pretty stupid fucking things (Y/N)..." He whispers the last part, a tear falling down his cheek.
You stand there for a while, with your own tears falling from your eyes, mouth agape.
But then you snap out of it and launch yourself in his arms.
"Oh Zach..." You say crying, "I love you, and I forgive you" you tell him.
"I love you too (Y/N)" he mumbles into your neck, holding onto you tightly.
After a few minutes you break away from the hug and reach up to lightly peck Zach's lips. He smiles, but it soon disappears and he scratches the back of his neck.
"There's something that I have to tell you..." He says with uncertainty "it's about Hannah Baker."
You look at him perplexed.
"What is it?" You say softly.
He backs up a step, rubs his hands over his face tiredly, and sighs.
"Before I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't leave me" he says "I can't deal with being away from you again (Y/N)."
You look into his eyes and caress his cheek, "I promise Zach, nothing is taking you away from me, ever." You say strongly.

That night you and Zach sit in your bedroom and he tells you all about the tapes and what he did to Hannah Baker.
You have to say you were shocked but after Zach shows you the letter Hannah wrote him and tells you that he kept it all this time, and that he feels guilty every single day for what he's done to her, you forgive him. You know that Zach can be rash sometimes and do stupid things, believe me you know, but at the end of the day, he has a good heart and he means well. 'That's why I'm in love with Zachary Shan-Yung Dempsey' you think to yourself with a small smile.

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