Embarrassed- Clay

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You danced around the kitchen switching between flipping the pancakes and moving the eggs in the pan to make sure they didn't stick to the bottom before turning around and flashing your parents a smile. They had a key so you didn't even notice them enter but you couldn't be gladder to see them again.

"Mom!" You exclaimed pulling her in for a hug before doing the same for your father before going back to tending to breakfast.

"We're sorry to drop in like this honey. We were in town and we haven't seen you in a while." Your mom explained giving you a soft smile.

"No, you're fine. You two are free to come whenever you want. It's great to see you again. There's plenty of food for both of you as well, it shouldn't take too much longer." You said setting more pancakes on the serving plate.

"Is that boyfriend of yours around? We were hoping for a chance to meet him." Your dad said watching you tentatively. You never tried to hide Clay from them but you couldn't help being nervous for them to meet him. Clay was an amazing guy, but not exactly the best with first impressions.

"Yeah, he's upstairs. He'll be up soon. He has work today so he should be up any time now." You said glancing up at the clock.

"Tell us about him, sweetheart." Your mom said walking next to you to help with making breakfast.

"His name is Clay. We met in high school. We've been friends for years, and he's amazing. You guys will like him I know you will." You responded glancing up at her with a smile. The two of you finished putting everything on serving plates and setting it on the already set table (courtesy of your father.) As the three of you sit down you heard your boyfriend coming down the stairs. You looked up with a smile which immediately dropped when you noticed he was only in his boxers. His eyes froze like a deer in the headlights and he immediately ran back up the stairs.

"Well, at least he's attractive." Your mom said breaking the silence; you couldn't help but laugh at her candor.

"I'll be right back I'm going to talk to him for a second." You said before running up the stairs to your room where your boyfriend was. He was pulling clothes on and he dropped onto the bed with his head in his hands.

"I really would've liked it if you told me your parents were coming to town." He mumbled through his hands making you chuckle and sit next to him.

"I really would've liked it if you put clothes on before coming into the kitchen." You responded sarcastically.

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