Zach accidentally hits you in the head with a basketball😤😧😲

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Oh schnitzel!!!!
"You okay closing up the classroom (Y/N)?" Melanie, one of my drama classmates, asks me.

"Yeah, I should be fine Melanie. Enjoy the game." you say with a small smile.

It's Friday night and you're still at school in the drama classroom, going over some of your lines for an upcoming play at Liberty High.

Melanie, flashes you a sweet smile. "You should really come to the game too, (Y/N). There's nothing better than watching a bunch of sweaty, hot guys dribbling around a basket ball." She says dreamily, with a small giggle.

You roll your eyes, huffing out a short laugh. You swear that Melanie is always thinking about guys.

"I really have to go over these lines, Melanie. Maybe the next game?" You suggest to her.

"Alright, suit yourself. You'll only miss out. Especially with watching Zach Dempsey's glorious muscles dribble the ball." She swoons.

"Later (Y/N)!" she yells out, exiting the drama room.

You return your attention back to your script, reading the lines over in your head, while pacing the length of the room. Soon you get bored and exit the drama room, script in hands. You start walking along the deserted hallway, all the while reading your lines. You're so engrossed in what you're reading, that you're unaware where you're walking. The loud cheers of the basketball game going on in the gym, come into hearing rage. But you pay it no mind, still too invested in memorizing your lines. You walk absentmindedly around the school, until you find yourself face to face with the gym doors, leading into the ongoing basketball game.

'I might as well go in and have a little peek. Hannah, Clay, and Tony said they'd be there watching the game tonight anyways.'

You push open the doors, entering the gym. The loud screams of the students cheering on Liberty High's basketball team, fill your ears. You blindly make your way into the gym, still looking down at the script in your hands, mumbling your lines, when all of a sudden you're knocked down by a huge force to the side of your head. You fall to the ground, script forgetting somewhere on the floor next to you.

"Ouch." You mumble, bringing your hand up to your head, feeling a bump starting to form.

The ref blows the whistle and the whole game stops, the gymnasium falling dead silent. You must've been hit in the head by a basketball thrown by one of the players. But who?

"Oh my god! Shit, (Y/N), I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" You faintly hear. You're still quite dizzy from the blow to your head.

All of a sudden a face comes into your blurry line of vision. The person crouching in front of you, places their hand on your shoulder, and tilts your face up with their other one, examining your head.

"Crap..." They swear silently, feeling the growing bump on the side of you head. "That's gotta hurt."

Suddenly your vision clears up and you feel a little less dizzy than before. Zach Dempsey's face comes into focus. He was the one that hit you with the ball.

"It's fine." You say. "It'll heal."

"No, I think you should go see a nurse or something." Zach shakes his head. "Coach, can you get someone to fill in for me, I'm gonna take (Y/N) to the nurse." He places your arm around his neck, supporting you, and starts heading to the nurse's office.

"I'm really sorry about that..." Zach mumbles nervously.

"Zach, it's fine. It's not a big deal anyway." You tell him honestly.

"No, I feel bad. Let me make it up to you. How about a milkshake at Rosie's diner tomorrow?" Zach offers.

This takes you off guard.

"As in like a date..." You question shyly, your cheeks turning rosy pink.

Zach laughs, finding you cute when you're blushing. "Yeah, like a date." He confirms with a dazzling smile.

The two of you arrive at the nurse's office and she tells you that she'll be a few minutes before attending you.

Zach turns towards you. "So I'll see you tomorrow night? Is 7:00 good?"

"Yeah, that's perfect." You smile.

Zach returns your smile, before running down the hall back to the game.

'Who would've thought that being hit in the hand with a basketball would turn out to be good?' You question yourself, smiling giddily.

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