You're Drunk

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Clay Jensen:
You and your boyfriends were one and the same when it came to drinking: you barely did it, and when you did, it ended in vomiting. So, naturally, Clay was very worried any time he found you with a drink in your hand. He'd constantly check on you, asking you every 5 minutes if you were okay. And when the time inevitably came that all of the alcohol came back up, he would sit with you and hold your hair as you puked, rubbing your back and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Once you were finished, he would help you stand to brush your teeth and you would give him an embarrassed smile and thank him for being there for you. "I'll never leave your side, babe." he'd say, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Jeff Atkins:
Jeff's main concern when you were drinking was always your safety. He wasn't big on drinking himself, so he'd always be sober and volunteer to be your designated driver. Jeff would make sure you were drinking responsibly. "How many drinks have you had, babe?" and "Here, drink this water for me" would constantly flow from his mouth. He'd keep an eye on you at all times too so that when he saw you stumble a little too close to the pool, he could run and catch you before you hurt yourself. At the end of the night, he'd stop at your favorite fast food place and (gently) force you to eat as many carbs as you could. Of course, you'd thank him for the next day when you didn't have a hangover.

Alex Standall:
Drinking always made you a little needier. After a couple of drinks, your walls would come down and you'd find yourself craving the feeling of Alex's arms around you or his lips on yours. This was the point in the night when you would seek him out at whatever party you two were at. A smile would always form on his lips when he saw you stumbling toward him, eyes locked on him. "Hey baby girl, I was wondering when you'd be joining me" he'd say with a chuckle as you fell into his open arms. "Missed you." you'd slur, letting yourself get cozy on the couch next to you. This was how you two would spend the rest of the night– cuddled up on someone's couch, focused solely on each other, despite the party raging on around you two.

Justin Foley:
Justin was no stranger to the drunk version of his girlfriend. He knew you could handle your liquor well– maybe even better than he could. What worried him wasn't whether you'd be okay, it was how other guys acted towards you. It was no secret that you and Justin were dating, but sometimes that didn't seem to matter to the other jocks at Liberty. Those moments tended to come when there was alcohol present. He trusted you completely, but trusting everyone else? Not so much. This was why Justin always had an arm around you when you were drinking. He was afraid of what could happen if someone else cornered you when you were drunk and he wasn't there to protect you. He'd just smile and say, "Gotta keep my princess safe" before peppering you with kisses.

Zach Dempsey:
You'd found that it was very easy to lose track of Zach at the big post-win parties that he drags you to. It doesn't surprise you–he's the star athlete, the center of attention. When this happened, though, you'd often entertain yourself with alcohol. Zach would be sure to know where you are at every moment– a quick glance at you every now and then, a "where are you?" text when he lost you. But all too often, he'd get dragged away by his teammates and you wouldn't get to spend much time with him until the party began to die down. By this time, you'd had plenty to drink and that alcohol was making you sleepy. This was when Zach would find you, half asleep on the couch. He'd sigh before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, his feather-light touch just enough to make your eyes flutter open. "Ready to go, my love?" he'd ask, before picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the car. You'd fall into a deep sleep before making it to his house, where he'd carry you to bed, placing a kiss on your head and whispering "I love you" before drifting to sleep next to you.

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