Dating Alex Would be Like...

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You’re both super sarcastic and everyone thought you hated each other at first  

“Hey Standall, the bleach get to your brain yet?”

“Hey (Y/L/N) the shit out of your personality yet?”

There were never any shy moments.

The two of you had constant wit battles just going back and forth with dumb comments

You both make really stupid jokes and comments no one else finds funny

But the two of you will be dying of laughter

The guys can’t stand being with both of you because you both just roast them all

But you’re always hanging out with the guys and pretty much became part of their group

You have this ongoing competition to find the most ridiculous music to send to eachother.

He won when he sent you a classical version of Barbie Girl.

He doesn’t admit it but he’s a major video game nerd and you two have COD matches every weekend, the loser pays for the next date.

But you usually lose anyways

Most of your dates and cheesy movie nights at one of your houses, which usually includes a pillow fort and a bunch of monster drinks.

Watching him play guitar and being surprised by his talent every time Singing along when he plays your favorite songs

Dates at Monet’s.

You two have an ongoing competition to see who can make it through the menu first

Showing your love with sarcasm

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