Anonymous - Zach

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“Are you ever going to tell him?” Jessica asked quietly before glancing across the room at Zach who had just received another text from you, well from anonymous you. He was watching his phone and you saw his smile grow before glancing around the cafeteria seeming to be trying to find who sent the text.

“No. Jess he doesn’t even know who I am. I am perfectly content with how things are now.” You responded even though both of you knew that was far from true. You had had a crush on him for years but you were terrified that he would never feel the same way. So instead you resorted to your anonymous text messages. It had started off as compliments, the way he looked that day, or some cheesy compliment but it quickly evolved to stupid jokes. This way you could carry on a conversation with him without him knowing who you were and without the awkwardness of speaking face to face.

“But he does know you. Look he obviously like you for who you are otherwise he wouldn’t keep texting you back.” She responded snatching your phone from your hand to read the texts right as it buzzed, “he’s asking who you are! Just tell him!”

You tried to pull the phone back into the safety of your own hands to no avail, “Jess no. Just let it be.”

She started furiously typing on your phone before handing it back to you, “You’ll be thanking me for this.”

She had texted him your name. You were hoping he wouldn’t know who it was but his eyes went straight to you and he smiled before heading your way. You glared at Jess and held in your breath when he finally arrived at your table.

“So you’re my secret admirer?” He asked with a smile.

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