"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" - Montgomery De La Cruz

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You sat on the bleachers in the gym while your best friend, Montgomery De La Cruz, was practicing baseball with the team. You didn't normally come to practice, but today you were forced to because Monty was your ride, you didn't mind though. You loved supporting him in games and watching as he continues to improve at the sport. You were just reading a book, when you hear a small groan and some of the boys laughing a bit. You look up and see Monty holding his arm, a ball rolling just feet away from him. You frowned and looked at him. "Are you okay?" you asked, a bit of concern laced in your voice. He just nods, blushing a bit as he held the bat in his hand. Jeff smirks gently, "He was just a bit distracted" he says. "Distracted? Montgomery never gets distracted, not in baseball at least" you say, and watch as Monty blushes slightly, glaring at Jeff. "Oh, trust me, he is always distracted around a certain someone" Jeff mumbles with another small smirk. Monty shakes his head, "Shut up Atkins. Let's just continue practice" Monty mumbles and starts hitting balls again. You blushed a bit at Jeff's comment, but figured it most likely wasn't about you. You liked Monty, you always have, but you knew the feelings weren't mutual. You shrug it off gently and look at your book again, getting captured in the story again.

30 minutes passed before you looked up again. All the other boys were gone and you saw Monty staring at you, the bat in his hands as he fiddled with it a bit. He quickly opens his mouth, blushing a bit. "Um, practice just finished. I'm going to go get my bag and we can go." He quickly gets out of the batting cage and goes to the locker room. You blushed a bit and put your book away and get your bag ready, going over the the locker room and leaning against the wall outside. Monty comes out and smiles gently at you. "Ready to go?" he asks. You smile and nod, heading out to his car.

"Practice was fun today" you comment as you get in the car. He smiles gently. "Was it? It was definitely a easier practice." He nods. You smile. "Yeah? That's good" you nod. "How is your arm feeling?" you ask, causing him to chuckle a bit. "Good, it wasn't that bad of a hit. I don't know what happened though, I was hitting every ball perfectly and I looked away for one second and didn't realize there was more to hit." He says. You chuckle softly, "Is that what happened though? Jeff said you were a little distracted by someone" you said quietly. You hear him swallow as he shakes his head. "That's because Jeff is a jerk, he doesn't know anything." Monty says, a bit of defense in his voice. You shake your head. "No, come on Monty, Jeff is your best friend. Who is it? Who do you like?" you ask, a smile on your face. "Did she walk past the window or something? Is it Sherri? Oh, or Rachel?" You suggest and watch him bite his lip. You gasp, "Oh my goodness, it is Rachel" you giggle and look at him. "I knew it, I knew you liked her" you smile and sit back in your seat. He doesn't say anything as he stops at a red light and turns to you. "What would you do if I kissed you right now?" he says softly, catching you off guard. "What?" you whisper. "Why would you want to kiss me?" You ask softly, your heart fluttering a bit.

A dry chuckle coming from his lips."Why would I want to kiss you?" he mumbles and looks at you. "Why would I want to kiss you? Whywouldn't I want to kiss you? You distract me. You look perfect in every setting, no matter what kind of mood you are in you always tend to smile around me, and I can't ever get over how beautiful you are when you concentrate. When you read, you kind of curl into yourself a bit as you read the story. You are so absorbed and you can almost tell what's going on in the story by your facial expressions. When you talk about something you like, you start talking really fast and there is this light in your eyes that seem to just make you look even prettier. Your laugh, oh gosh, your giggle, it kills me. It's adorable, you just get excited and you giggle and I lose it. You are everything to me, you have complete control of my heart, and you are asking why I would want to kiss you?" He snaps a bit as if it was obvious,and his eyes meet yours. You can't help the deep blush creeping on your face, your heart racing in your chest as you stare at him, completely speechless.

"Monty" you whispered, but before you could say anymore a car honks behind you and Monty sighs, driving forward and going to your house. His words were playing through your head as silence filled the car. There was tension, but a good kind of tension. You arrived at your house, Monty pulling over at the side of the road and parks. He looks at you, and you bit your lip gently. "Ask me again" you say softly. He furrows his eyebrows together. "Ask you what again?" He asks. "Ask me what you asked me about 10 minutes ago." You look at him. He bites his lip. "What would you do if I kissed you right now?" He says softly, looking at your eyes. You look at him, slowly leaning in. You close your eyes as your lips meet his in the middle, it was soft. His lips were soft along with the way the kiss started. It was soft, but passionate. You felt the weight lifting off your chest as the kiss deepened. He pulled away slowly, resting his forehead on yours. You catch your breath a bit, moving your hand to hold his. "I'd kiss back" you whisper. You feel his lips on yours again, a soft smile on his lips as he does, and somehow it made you feel safe. You were finally his, and you couldn't be happier.

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