Lets Go To The Cliff~Tony Padilla

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This is an imagine is tony with a male reader.
Tony and you had the windows of his Mustang all the way down, letting the summer breeze of Crestmont hit your face refreshingly. You kept changing the cassettes, trying to find a band you both liked.
Tony turned off the tarmac and onto a rocky dirt road which lead up to the cliff that you both frequented whenever you needed to talk or scream it out. You wondered what Tony would need to talk about this time, worrying that it was something you'd done like you always did.
"Get out the car, y/n," he said while grabbing at your thigh before climbing out of the car. You followed suit, joining him at the edge of the rocks.
"What's up, babe?" He shifted nervously next to you, facing out to look down on the town with his hands shoved into his pockets. You could never look outwards or down, finding it too stomach churning. So you'd always looked at him, and only him. Usually this earns you a glance back, but this time he blanked you entirely. "Seriously? What've I done?"
All too suddenly he turned to his side, facing you, eyelids half dropped and head tilting slightly. You wanted to step back, but as Tony paced towards your figure you instinctivley closed the gap between you, pressing your chest against his. His heart was pounding - you could feel the beats of his working to fall in time with your thudding organ.
Not moving his hands from his pockets, he closed the space between your lips, moving his with yours expertly. He was the best kisser, and it only lasted a short while. Pulling back to study your - probably shocked - face he began experimenting with hand placement, first snaking them around your hips, rubbing them all the way up to your neck. He punctuated every change of position with increasingly rough kisses to your lips, which finally lasted long enough for you to return.
Not feeling as adventurous, you cupped his ass with firm hands, causing him to tense a little and lean further into you. His arms rested gently around your shoulders, using them to push his short stature up to keep reaching your lips again and again. The smooches slowed down, making it feel more sensual and sober.
You decided that this use of the cliff had been the best one yet.

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