Bi - Alex Standall

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In Honor Of LGBTQP+ Community and Pride Month
@lgbtqmention a user
You scanned the library before finding Alex and immediately making a bee line towards him. In one swift movement, you dropped your books on the table and took your seat next to him. You gave him a quick kiss before opening your chemistry book.
"How was your day babe?" You asked while flipping to the section you needed to study.
"It was fine." He said resting his head on his hand. You looked at him slightly surprised, he usually wasn't the type to just give vague response with no explanation and he had been acting off all day so you were kind of concerned.
"Are you okay?" You asked looking up from the book to give him your full attention. He nodded but you noticed him tapping his leg, knowing that was a habit he only had when he was nervous.
"What's wrong?" You asked wanting to make sure everything was alright. Now that you think of it, he had actually been acting off for the past week or so.
"I need to tell you something. I'm just not sure how you'd react and I don't want you to think of me any differently." He said his voice sounding vulnerable. A thousand possibilities ran through your head.
"You can tell me anything, I'll never judge you." You told him honestly, setting your hand of top of his in a way you hoped was comforting.
"I think I'm bi." He admitted sounding almost ashamed.
"Alex I would never judge you based off of who you like. I love you for who you are and your sexuality doesn't change that." You said before kissing his cheek.
LOVE IS LOVE.Everybody please remember this.Please.

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