Kissing Would Include

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Alex Standall

It's usually just really soft and loving. He's not big on PDA but whenever you're sad or need reassuring he'll give you a soft sweet kiss. In private when your cuddling he likes to hold you close and randomly kiss you.

Clay Jensen

He's not a big fan of PDA either so lots of forehead/head kisses. But even when it's just you two most of his kisses are on your head. (don't get me wrong you still have heavy makeout sessions)

Jeff Atkins

He's really passionate and touchy. Like his hands will be on your waist, in your hair, he just wants to feel as close to you as possible. He's highly an amazing kisser.

Justin Foley

With him, it's almost always super passionate. Like all of your kisses usually, lead to sex. He doesn't matter where you are he will 100% get into it. Includes lots of tongues and grinding.

Montgomery De La Cruz

He is so passionate omg. Literally, every kiss leads to sex (or at least wanting to). It doesn't matter where you are he'll pin you against a wall (or bed) to make out with you and it is his goal to turn you on because he is such a tease.

Tony Padilla

His kisses are slow and passionate. His hands usually go to your face/ neck to be able to pull you closer and he's usually really sweet about it. 

Zach Dempsey

Because of how tall he is he'll usually either pick you up or set you on a counter. It gets so intense quickly (especially when you wrap your legs around him). He can go either way with sweet or really passionate and intense.

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