Random Zach Headcanon

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Is actually a giant nerd

Has seen every DC and Marvel movie

Reads comic books in his free time

Obsessed with video games

Is like highkey a genius but has no common sense (literally everyone in high school )

Knows super complicated DNA structures but not how to use a washer without ruining his clothes

Can’t cook anything except pancakes because it’s his sister’s favorite but he burns literally anything else

he is boss at doing hair like he does all these braids for his sister and he’s the soft older brother who lets his sister do his hair/makeup 

The type of friend to egg everyone on

Aka encouraging his friends to do really stupid things

“You can totally make that jump”

When Hannah died he took it really personally

But it motivated him to be a better person

Compliments everyone, always smiling, doing his best to make others happy

Cute puppy Zach wants to make everyone happy

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