Dating Monty would include

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•Monty taking a liking to you.
•Him being an ass to everyone else but you.
•Which confuses you greatly.
•Secretly liking Monty (although you'd never admit it) even though he has a tough guy exterior, because towards you he's really sweet.
•Monty asking you to the dance.
•You thinking it's just some dare given to him by his friends, but you decide to give it a shot.
•Monty showering you a compliments the whole night.
"You look amazing Y/N" he whispers in your ear.
•"Thanks Monty" you say with rosy cheeks.
•Monty leaning in and given you a sweet kiss on the lips during the slow dance. Then asking you out on a date at Rosie's diner.
•Of course you say yes, because Monty has really proven himself to be quite the gentleman despite his reputation, and you have a little huge crush on him.
•During your date a Rosie's diner with Monty, he sits beside you in the booth with his arm around your shoulder, telling you funny stories the whole night.
•Monty walking you up to your door after the date.
•"I had a really nice time Monty" you tell him gently.
•Monty leaning in and kissing you for the second time, but more passionately.
•The kiss taking your breath away.
•A few months later yours and Monty's relationship is going strong.
•Monty being huge on PDA. He likes to show everybody who you belong to.
•Cute dates at the Crestmont movie theatre and at Rosie's diner.
•Supporting Monty at all of his baseball games.
•Giving Monty a little "present" after he's one a game😉
•Lots of hand holding.
•Monty walking you to all of your classes.
•Helping Monty with his schooling and making sure he passes all of his classes.
•The rest of the guys thinking that Monty is whipped because of how much he has changed around you.
•But in reality, Monty doesn't care, all he knows is that he's madly in love with you.

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