zach d.

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….things took an unexpected at the Baker trial today when Liberty High student Zachary Dempsey admitted that he had a sexual relationship with Hannah Baker the summer before her death…”

Her eyes linger on the screen, reading over those words written again and again, in denial about what’s written there.
Zach an Hannah, that doesn’t make sense, he told her she’s the first girl he’s been with.
Slowly she backs away from the desk, shutting her laptop close with a loud thud before standing up and grabbing her jacket.

As she hurries down the stairs at her home she can hear her mother talking to her, telling her to eat breakfast but her voice is just a distant sound, screaming in the back of her head while all she can think about is her boyfriend and Hannah.
She can feel her chest tightening up as she walks down the streets to school, the shortness of breath increasing with every step she takes.

Suddenly her legs collapse, causing her to sink on the ground and feeling the cold and hard street under her hands as she catches herself.

Tears well up in her eyes and she sits down again, pulling up her knees before bursting out in heavy sobs and cries.

Pictures keep filling up her head and she thinks about all the things Zach has done to her and if he learned it from Hannah.

Thoughts consume her head and she has no idea how she made it there but loud voices and chattering make her snap out of her trance, realizing she’s at school already.

“Y/N!”, Zach’s voice sounds up behind her and she flinches at the sound of it cause he seems like he doesn’t even know the truth is out in the internet.
She wants to run, to run as fast as possible to avoid talking to him but he’s faster, catching her upper arm and making her stop in her movements before turning her around to him.

With a huge smile on his face he looks down to his girlfriend of almost half a year, they’re anniversary about to come around.
But the second he looks into her deep blue eyes he can sense something is off and it makes him letting go of her arm before taking her face between his ends.
As he watches her closer he can also see the tears that are still welled up in her eyes and it sends a sharp pain through his heart.
He’s never seen her like that before, normally she’s always happy and smiling and infecting everyone around with her undying happiness.
Not today tho. Today she looks broken, almost devastated and he has no idea what happened.

“Talk to me baby?”, he whispers and keeps holding on to her face, forcing her to look at him when she tries to move away.

She bites her lower lip, trying to avoid looking at him so she doesn’t burst out crying again.

The last thing she wants to do right now is talking to him and it takes a while for her to finally pull away and to walk inside the building.

Until last period she managed to avoid Zach, walking the opposite direction when he walks towards her or hiding in the girls restroom when there’s no other way to escape.

That was before she decided to stay a littler longer after calculus, writing down the last notes and packing up her stuff when suddenly the door is closed.

“Sorry, I’ll be out here in one second.”, she mumbles barely hearable, making his heart break a little more again cause her voice is the one sound that was able to light up his whole day.
And yet she seems so broken.

“Don’t hurry because of me. I’ll wait for you forever.”, she looks up from her bag with a frown and just stares at Zach for the first time that day.
The eyes that used to sparkle brighter than the sun and the smile that made her fall in love with him over and over are gone and her heart aches a bit.
“Please don’t say anything right now and just listen.”, he takes a deep breath and closes the door behind himself.

“For the whole day I’ve been trying to figure out why you’re avoiding me. 
I left you notes in your locker that you threw away. 
I sent you text messages that you ignored.
I even send Jess and Jensen after you to talk to you.
But you’ve ignored everything and I get that you’re hurt but please, please just listen.”, Zach’s eyes linger on her and as much as she wants to continue to be mad at him, she can’t.

Instead she nods and sit back down before pulling up her legs and places her chin on her knees while Zach starts to explain.

“Yes. I was in a relationship with Hannah and yes, I loved her. 
But I messed that up and I moved on and when I met you, it didn’t seem important. Because I was scared that you’re gonna run away when you find out Hannah was my first girl for everything.”, she sighs and shakes her head, slowly understanding Zach’s reasons for acting like this.
“But I shouldn’t have lied. I should’ve trusted you and I should’ve just told you and I get that you’re mad and I won’t force anyt-”, she suddenly jumps off rhe chair and runs over to pull him in for a kiss, cutting him off.

And in that moment it just feels right. Zach might have lied and she was been hurt but what counts now is that they work on this together and she dececided she won’t let her anger get the best of her.

“So does this mean..?”, he mumbles against my lips and I nod with a small smile before I kiss him again and hold on to his shoulders.
“We’re gonna talk this out but we’re gonna do this together.

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