Justin fingers you in the middle of the movie theatres

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My Friend tanis told me to write this. Nasty little shit.
Your P.O.V
I was at the Cresmont movie theatres with my boyfriend of 4 months, Justin Foley. We were snuggled up together in the back row of the theatre, watching a cheesy romantic comedy. It wasn't the best of movies but I'd do anything with Justin if it meant spending time with him.
Justin had his arm slung around my shoulder. He looked pretty engrossed in the film we were watching. I shifted closer to him, snuggling up into his side. It was pretty cold in the theatres and given that I was wearing a skirt, my legs were left bare. Justin glanced down at me for a split second, before bringing his arm from around my shoulders, down to my inner thigh. He placed his hand there, the heat radiating from it warming up my leg. I leant my head on his shoulder shutting my eyes, just enjoying being in his presence, when all of a sudden, I start to feel his hand glide upwards.
"Justin... What are you doing?" His hand is now and the top of my thigh, fingers just brushing the hem of my panties.
He looks at me, smirking. "Relax babe. Just enjoy yourself."
Justin then pushed aside my underwear and plunges a single digit into my heat. I let out a small, strangled moan, before snapping my mouth shut. Frantically looking around the movie theatre, I notice a few other people around us. There was an elderly couple a few rows ahead of us and a small group of friends sitting at the front of the theatre. Justin is slowly pumping his finger in and out of me, a small squelching sound emitting from his ministrations.
"You gotta be quiet baby, hmm? You don't want anybody to hear what we're doing, now don't you?" Justin whispers in my ear.
He starts to pump his finger faster, soon adding a second digit.
"Justin..." I moan quietly.
He knows I'm close and curls his fingers inside my heat, hitting just the right spot. I let out a final little cry which is muffled quickly by Justin's mouth covering my own in a kiss.
After coming back down from my high, I slump in the seat behind me. Justin brings the hand that was just fingering me up to his mouth and sucks it clean, releasing it with a pop. He turns to look at me, a shit eating grin on his face.
"I hate you." I whisper teasingly and shove his shoulder.
"No you love me Y/N." Justin states looking deep in my eyes. "Why else would you let me fingering you in the middle of the theatre?" He says teasingly.
"Justin!" I scold, hitting him on his arm. "Be quiet, people might hear you."
Justin chuckles and brings me into a sweet kiss, slinging his arm back around my shoulder, as we both settle back down comfortably to watch the film.

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