A Rant

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I am a American citizen and I am 14 years old.

Recently, America elected a president, Donald J. Trump.

Our new "commander in chief" is a former reality star and a billionaire.

During his campaign, Donald J. Trump, Said many mean, nasty and derogatory statements toward people of color, Women, and people with disabilities.

America elected him. He said "I would like to grab her by the pussy."

When Bill Clinton (Hillary's Husband) was president he had an affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Bill Clinton lied about the affair at first then came clean. IMMEDIATELY People were calling for Impeachment.

America elected him.
Rosie O'Donnell(Fat Pig)
Hillary Clinton(Nasty Woman , Crooked Hillary)
Elizabeth Warren  (Pocahontas)
Joe Biden(Crazy Joe Biden)
Just to name a few

Republicans are trying to take away the women's Healthcare.Male Republicans are trying to take away the women's right to abortion.

If they don't want children to die then America needs better gun laws. 

We do not need to repeal the 2nd amendment.We need stricter gun laws and better gun laws

2nd AMENDMENT : well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Gun control is as much a part of the Second Amendment as the right to keep and bear arms.

The NRA is OK with children dropping like flies.

Just Saying

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