I Had A Superstar's Baby? -Niall Horan Fan Fiction-

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*Niall's POV*

I am tapping my foot on the ground with my head in my hands staring at the floor in the waiting chair of the hospital. Agnes has been taken back and most of us can't go in since we need to be at least 20. Louis is in there with her but I want to be back there SOOO bad.

"Calm your s*** down Niall, God." Liam groans.

"I can't help it." I reply. "I'm worried."

"Everything will be fine mate, you and Agnes have read almost every book. She'll be fine." Zayn tries to get me to feel better.

"How long does it take to have a baby?" Harry asks,

"We've been waiting for five f***ing minutes Harold, it takes a long time to have a baby." I grit through my teeth. I was under a lot of stress at the moment. Who wouldn't be?

"Did they give an estimate time?" Liam asks.

"No." I sigh.


Five hours and twenty-six minutes later we were completely restless and exhausted. Fifteen minutes pass when someone walks into the room. We lift our heads up to see Louis with the biggest smile on his face. We all stand up quickly.

"Are they ok?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah." Louis says covering his mouth with his hand. You could still see his smile. "The baby is having trouble breathing on her own but she's alright because they're helping that."

"She?" I ask smiling.

"Yup." Louis pops the 'p'.

"We can go see them right?" Harry asks.

"If you couldn't I would have just called you." Louis laughs. We trample each other down three hallways into a room which was more like a suite. It had two couches and a TV. But that didn't freaking matter! Agnes was waiting patiently in her bed. I sigh with relief walking over to my fiance.

"Oh my God, I love you." Agnes tells me as we hug each other tightly.

"I love you too." I respond kissing her.

*Agnes' POV*

After we get the hugs and kisses on the cheeks over with we were just waiting for the baby to come back. The doctor didn't say anything, he left quickly after she wasn't breathing. I spent fifteen minutes crying into Louis because I was worried about her before he went to get everyone.

I still have a wet rag on my forehead which I didn't have the energy to take off. I don't think any of us did. I was exhausted when I went into labor so it only made it harder. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep so I could hold her. I think we all were starting to doze off when a doctor comes in thirty minutes later. Half of us jump out of our skin.

He was holding a little person in a swaddle of white blankets. I could see a little pink coming out of it from the hat. It was the baby.

I didn't pay attention to what he was saying as he put her in my arms. Her chest was moving up and down this time which made me feel a heck of a lot better. She was so small it shocked me. I was interested in her. I don't know why. I was basically just studying her face. I wanted to memorize it. Then the realization hit me that this was my baby. It was one of the only things I could truly call mine.


Nothing much had happened in the three days we stayed in the hospital. Yes, three. Since she had trouble breathing she had to stay an extra day. The only person that didn't come see us was Justice, of course. She even forced Liam to come home on the day I had the baby before he could see her! Niall's mum and dad flew out again to see her.

Niall stayed all three days without going home. I told him I could handle an hour by myself but he wouldn't listen. He's just too protective.

Naming the baby has been extremely hard on us because we want everyone to like the names we chose. I've been a lot more stressed about it than I should be. Louis said we should just do whatever we want regardless of who's bothered by it. That's kind of the definition of his life.

Louis, Eleanor, and Caleb are coming over in a few minutes since he hasn't seen her yet. They have to lie about his age to get him in to see. Luckily he is tall for his age and his shoes add an extra inch.

She is a really, really easy baby. She doesn't really care she just lays there like a perfectly behaved child. Knowing she is the daughter of Niall, she probably won't last long like that. :D

"We're here and we brought cookies and milk!" Louis smiles while they walk in the door.

"Really?" My eyes widen.

"Yeah." Eleanor nods putting a couple containers of cookes down. "We didn't wake her up did we?"

"She's awake but probably not for long." Niall chuckles handing her to Caleb.

"Did you decide on names yet?" Louis asks. I glance over at Niall who was shoving cookies into his mouth.

"Her first name is June." I bite down on my bottom lip.

"Awww!" El coos. "I love that!"

"Then we got the two middle names." Niall replies. I smile. "Eleanor and Hannah. We love both names so booya!" I laugh.

"And that's why I'm getting married to you." I point to him, putting a cookie in my mouth.

"Yeah buddy!" Niall raises his milk cup. 

"It genuinlly took forever to get the names. We spent almost all night thinking because we had to fill out the birth certifercate this morning." I explain.

"Well, I love the names so f*** the people who don't." Louis says. I laugh, digging my head into my knees. "When are you getting out of here?"

"Two hours." I shrug. "I'm so sick of this place though, I am dying to go home."

"So am I." Niall agrees. I glare at him.

"I told you that you could go home!" I respond.

"I know." Niall smirks. I roll my eyes at my future husband.

There's the first chapter beewazzles! Only my friends and sister know what that word is. :) Try and guess if you want. Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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