Chapter Three: Bonfire

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"I told you throwing stuff at girls works." Harry sticks his tongue out at me. I stick mine out back. We are doing that back and forth until Louis covers our faces with his hands.

"Put your tongues back in your mouths." Louis starts. We follow his demands. "Harry, quit your little monkey junky business and get your girlfriend water like she asked, Agnes, your child is hungry."

"Sophisticated Louis sucks." Harry and I mutter at the same time, walking away in different directions.

It had been two weeks since Harry and Jami started dating. The time with June has been going majorly fast, it is downright insane. The fans have been begging to post any picture we take of her. Some have been posted but definitely not all of them.

I'm worried. Caleb is acting different. Not depressed different like he was when Andrew was dying, but different. He's acting kind of strange. And a little happier than usual. I'm not saying being happy is bad! But he just seems a little...blaaa. I don't know what to call it.

Ever so slowly Niall and I are planning our wedding. We are pretty busy and we want to wait until June is older anyway. I'm happy right now and so is Niall and that's all that matters.

Justice is basically keeping Liam from seeing me and June at all. She is fine with him seeing everyone else, but not us. She is clinging to him like her life depends on it and never lets him out of her sight. It is so annoying. I hate her.


*Liam's POV*

"Someone's looking a little dressed up." Zayn states the obvious when Caleb walks downstairs.

"Yeah." Caleb says.

"Who's the girl?" Harry smiles, resting his head on his hands and elbows on the island. I snicker.

"There's not a girl." Caleb replies.

"Yes there is, it's all over your face." I smirk.

"Fine." Caleb huffs. "She is this pretty girl I've been crushing on since like the second grade."

"Ooo." Zayn perks up.

"Don't you think he's a little young for dating?" Hannah asks.

"Don't you think you should be at football practice?" Harry asks. Zayn slaps the back of his head. "Ow! What did you do that for?"

"Don't you think you should be texting your girlfriend?" Zayn mimicks Harry's tone, putting his hands on his hips. Harry tackles him onto the couch and they start beating each other with pillows.

"Come on. I don't want to be late." Caleb whines. "Please don't tell Agnes though."


"Can we go to the mall?" Justice asks, laying her head on my shoulder.

"After we go see Agnes." I answer getting off the couch.

"Again?" Justice groans.

"We haven't seen them in a week." I tell her. "She's my best friend. Stay here if you want but I'm going over." I dig my hands into my pockets walking out the door. I walk across the street then knock on the door.

"Liammmmmmmm!" Agnes squawks when she opens it.

"Hey babe." I reply, smile growing across my face.

"I missed you." Agnes hugs me while planting a kiss on my cheek. "Now get your butt in here." She pulls me inside.

"Liam! Where have you been mate?!" Niall exclaims hugging me.

I Had A Superstar's Baby? -Niall Horan Fan Fiction-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin