Chapter Twenty-Nine: Over Again

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*I apologize in advance for it being short, the next chapter will be VERY long, I promise, if it's not over 1500 words then you can tell me off :P you have a right to tell me off anyway, just sayin*

"Sir, I have given you all the information we have." The lady behind the desk shakes her head.

"No!" I squawk. "No you haven't! Just tell me what the h*ll Louis and Agnes Tomlinson's conditions are!" She sighs before looking over her clipboard.

"Agnes has just come out of a surgery to repair the length of her left leg and it went..." She trails off. "ok."

"Ok?" My eyes widen.

"They had some issues but they were able to fix them." She says.

"What the bloody h*ll were the issues?!" I shout.

"Like her brother, her heart stopped for a while. Once her heart-beat was back then she couldn't breathe on her own. By the time they fixed that, she was bleeding out quicker than she should have. They had to repair two veins that had popped. They were somehow able to keep her stable to get the rest of it done and when it was finished the problems with her heart and breathing continued for about an hour before it stopped." She explains.

And that's when all the puzzle pieces fell into place.

Danielle was right, Agnes was running this whole show. She tried to make it stop one time after another without giving up and then she did. She wanted to die so badly that she was trying everything.

Why does she want to go so badly? Why did she stop fighting? Doesn't she believe that we're getting our acts together? How painful would it be for her to stay? Why doesn't any of this make sense to me?!

*Harry's POV* 

I pull Niall into my side as he digs his blonde head into my neck. I push any piece of hair out of his face and basically craddle him on the bathroom floor. He had been such a wreck and it kills me to see him like this.

This whole thing had us completely upside-down. It felt like we were back to square one when One Direction first ended but instead we really had it bad this time. Now two people had been torn away from us in a literal blink of an eye.

I can't help but feel that Agnes jumped for more than a reason than us. There had to be something else going on inside of her head when she took that railing in her hands. I'm never going to forget the absolute pain in her eyes when she began falling or the look on Louis' face when she broke from his grip.

It seemed as if all that mattered was kept inside his little sister. I could literally see the defeat behind him at the moment she slipped away from him. He looked like he had just seen a ghost...and that's when he jumped with her.

I don't think I'm ever going to understand why he jumped. Actually, I don't think I'm ever going to understand why either of them jumped. I know they had both been through h*ll and back, but didn't they know we were here for them? Didn't they know we were going to help?

God, I would have done ANYTHING to keep them from being torn away from me so fast. I thought we would always be a part of one another, but now it feels as if they've just left me out in the blue. I know that it's not their fault, I feel like it's mine because I didn't do anything to stop them from jumping.

I want to redo my life over again... 

*Zayn's POV* 

Caleb's head falls onto my shoulder, signalling he had fallen asleep. I sigh deeply, wondering where the h*ll I had gone wrong this past year. It seems as if everything has just gone down the drain in a matter of a few months.

"Zayn? Are you ok?" Hannah's innocent voice snaps me out of whatever trance I was in.

"Course." I give her my best fake smile but she obviously wasn't buying it so I drop it. "I don't think I've been ok for a while."

"Why do you keep such guilt inside of you for this?" Hannah asks while sitting next to me. "It's not your fault. Ok, you didn't push them off."

I know I already used this in a part but I'm gonna use it again so oh well, just deal with it :P :) 

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I groan. "You don't listen to me. I know I didn't push them, I know I didn't tell them to jump, I know I didn't do anything."

"Yeah, none of us did."

"That's the point, Hannah! Why didn't I?"


"I have to see her, I can't take it anymore!" I yell.

"I need to see Louis, I'm driving myself mad." Eleanor agrees.

"We need some sort of plan to get you two in there." Liam states the obvious. "We need everyone in on it to work though."

"Someone needs to distract the security nurses." Caleb replies. "One of you can handle the security and I can go in and put ketchup on someone to make it look like they are bleeding to get the nurses."

"You'll take Harry, Danielle, and Ed with you." Zayn tells him. "What if that doesn't distract them long enough?"

"I can go in with Hannah saying there is something wrong with the baby." Justice offers.

"That's good." Riley nods. "I can take June and come around with one of those buggies for an escape."

"Someone needs to be backup for the security distracter." Zayn responds.

"Since you brought it up, that can be your job." Harry says. "Who is the security distracter gonna be? We all have other jobs." My eyes land on Liam at the same time he looks at me.

"I'll do it." Liam sighs.

"Let's do this!" I throw a few packets of ketchup at Caleb from my pocket.

P.S. I also apologize for this being late, I was on vacation over the weekend. I'm trying to get this week's stuff in before Christmas! Happy holidays!!! <3 Love you all!

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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