Chapter Seven: Dresses and Fights

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*Agnes' POV*

It's been almost two months since the drama with Zayn and Hannah. It makes my heart fly knowing they are so happy. I almost screamed when he told me they said 'I love you' to each other.

I haven't talked to Liam in three weeks. I text and call but he never answers. When I try to meet up with him he never shows up. When I go over to the boys' house he's never there. I don't know what to do anymore. I know that Justice is the reason he won't see me too. I'm sick of it. I lost my best friend.

June smiles so much whenever anyone is around. She's such a happy baby. You should see her little squawks when Louis shows up. She absolutely LOVES him. I know he is going to be a great dad. Eleanor's pregnancy is going really well so far.

Today I am going out with Eleanor, Hannah, Jami, June, (against my will) Justice, and my old friend Ally from school. Niall is going out with the boys to get his tux. I'm excited but at the same time I have no idea what kind of dress I want. I really like the mermaid style but I don't know how it will look on me. Niall said the price doesn't matter and sky is the limit but I'm going to make sure it's not a lot.

"Calm down Agnes, if she annoys you too much then text me and I'll come make something up to get you out of it." Niall says, holding my hand. 

"If she even shows up." I mutter.

"Nobody likes a debby downer! What are you even saying?!" Niall shrieks. I laugh.

"Thank you for everything." I squeeze his hand.

"Are you ever going to stop thanking me?" Niall asks.

"No." I answer with a small smile.

"I love you Agnes." Niall tells me.

"I love you too Nialler." I reply.


"Ooo." Eleanor coos.

"I like that one." Hannah nods.

"I don't know." I mutter. "It doesn't feel right."

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself Agnes, you're only making it harder on yourself. It doesn't have to be perfect." Jami responds. I sigh.

"Just remember what you actually want in the dress." Ally picks June up out of her car-seat.

"All I want is for Niall to like it." I sit down in a chair across from them, fiddling with the frills on the current dress I was wearing.

"Ok, so we know you like the mermaid style, why don't you try one of those on?" El offers. "You picked a few and either way we can go back and look for more."

"Don't let anyone else influence your decision Agnes, this is about what you want." Hannah says.

"And if you don't find your dress today then so what?" Jami asks. "We can always come back or go to another place."

"Yeah." I run a hand through my hair. "I guess."


I prop my head up with my hand and look at the clock one more time. Liam was almost two hours late. I'm sick of wasting my time waiting for him constantly. It was his idea to meet up today too. This was beyond annoying. My phone suddenly buzzes.

From: Li

can't come, got a thing

I read the message over and over again, an angry ball forming in me. Tears trickle down my cheeks. I slam my coffee to the table and storm out of Starbucks. The water droplets only run faster as thoughts rush through my mind. I can't play this waiting game anymore.

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