Chapter Thirteen: Danielle Is The Answer

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"Are you sure you don't know what would have made him freak out?" I ask.

"No." Harry answers. "For the millionth time, we don't know what he was talking about. Chill out."

"I'm not mad at you." I sigh. "I just wanna know what happened...I wanna know what I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong." Harry tells me.

"Yes I did." I shake my head. "I've screwed all of this up, I've screwed my life up. If I hadn't done certain things than none of this would have happened. Andrew would know exactly what to do."

"Stop comparing yourself to him. You can't keep living in the past Louis, there's nothing you can do to bring him back." Harry says. I run a hand through my hair. 

"If I hadn't have fought with him all the time, do you think I could have saved him?" I ask.

"You two fighting has nothing to do with him getting cancer, you know that." Harry replies. He seems to notice that I still wasn't believing him.

"I could have done something!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, none of us could!" Harry snaps.

"That's the point Harry." I huff. "Why couldn't we?"


Two weeks have whizzed past us all. We're not any closer to figuring out why Liam went berserk. He still rolls around on the floor pondering about the universe for ten hours a day. The doctors said it was called an existential crisis. They said these were triggered by a certain memory, sound, or person. It's weird and kind of scary.

"Knock, knock." I tap my fist against the doorway a few times. Liam lifts his head up off the ground, tears tumbling down his cheeks and a terrified look in his eyes. "You ok?"

"I haven't been ok in ages Louis." Liam croaks before burying his head back into the carpet.

"Liam." I groan and walk over, sitting next to him. "Why are you beating yourself up like this? I know that you have enough control over your life to stop this from happening. But you're just sitting there and watching it happen, letting things fall apart." He winces then brings his head up again. "What's so terrible that you're doing this to yourself?"

"Here!" Liam spits and throws a crumpled up piece of paper at me. He returns to his ball. I unfold it.

"Liam..." I trail off. "this..." I sigh. "this isn't worth you getting upset about."


"This was just one of many ultra sounds Li, did she even tell you it was happening?" I ask.

"No." Liam hisses.

"There's nothing you could have done. There will be many more of them." I tell him.

"But this was the first one! I could have seen it! Instead all I have is this stupid picture!" Liam shouts.

"Snap out of it!" I grab his shoulders, tearing him away from his knees. "This is real life! You're going to be a father, you have the power to get Justice back if you want her, you can go to the next ultra sound whether she wants you to or not, you can stop being such an idiot and think about what you're doing to Agnes! Stop lying to her! Stop lying to all of us! Just tell us what you want!"

"Danielle!" Liam yells at the top of his lungs. "Danielle." He swipes away his tears. His eyes widen as if he realized something important. "Danielle." He gets up off the floor. I watch as he pulls on a pair of jeans over his boxers then slips a hoodie on over his head. He looks down at me with his chocolate brown eyes that were now red and puffy. "I want Danielle." Liam storms downstairs. I hear the door slam.

Oh God, what have I done? 


*Agnes' POV* 

"Is that him?" I point to the little boy who was coloring at the table. The lady nods, giving me a soft smile which I gladly return. "Hi Ed, I'm Agnes." I sit in the orange plastic chair next to him.

"Hi." He says quietly.

"I'm the girl who you were in a car accident with." I reply.

"You are?" His eyes light up.

"Yes." I answer with a nod. "I'm so sorry about your parents and I can't help but feel guilty, but there's something I want to tell you. I'm not sure if you are going to take the offer or not."

"What is it?" Ed asks.

"A friend of mine is going through a hard time right now and she wants someone to fill a hole in her life. She was wondering if you would let her adopt you." I explain. "She's one of the nicest people I know and we both understand if you don't want to. I was just wondering if you wanted it because if you do, the option is open and we'll still see each other."

"What about my sister?" Ed asks.

"She's more than willing to take both of you." I respond.

"Am I gonna be happy?" Ed asks.

"I'd think so." I flash him a smile. "I just want you to feel better again."

"Ok." Ed agrees. "I'll go."


"WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?!" Ed, Caleb, and I belt out the lyrics to the Spongebob theme-song as we drive down the road towards the house.

Ed and Caleb were most definitely going to be best friends. He was two years younger than my brother and they have everything in common! It's even better because I know that she will love him. I'm so excited.

"We're here." I announce, pulling the keys out.

"Yay!" The two boys chorus. They clamber out of the car. I giggle as they race around to get to me first. They were too cute. Ed grabs hold of my hand and Caleb takes my other.

"Will she like me?" Ed asks.

"Of course!" Caleb chirps. "She's awesome and makes THE best brownies ever."

"Can she make mac&cheese?" Ed asks.

"Yep." I pop the 'p'. "It's one of her favorites, and she loves Finding Nemo. You've got it good." He laughs while we continue up the pathway to the front door. I don't bother knocking and push it open. Our jaws drop to the ground at the sight.

No way. 

"Um..." I try to figure out what to say as we stand there staring at the two in the middle of a snogging session. "Payzer back together?"

Ooo! Cliffhanger! I'm such a little idiot, aren't I?! Haha. Is it possible we can get three votes on this chapter? Hmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmm? :)

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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