Chapter Nineteen: Twas The Night Before The Wedding

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blablabla i'm excited

in case you wanted to know, that's how i start all my new chapters until i get an idea 

*Agnes' POV* 

"I love you Niall." I rush out. He grabs my waist, pulling his lips to mine once more before Zayn and Hannah tug him through the door.

"Oh God." I put my face in my hands while falling onto the couch.

"What's wrong Ag?" Louis asks while slinging his arm over my shoulder. "You look upset. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's the eve of your wedding."

"I'm scared." I mumble.

"What's there to be scared of?" Louis furrows his eyebrows together.

"Niall could decide he doesn't love me anymore." I point out.

"Somehow, I don't think that's humanly possible." Louis chuckles. "That little blonde boy is wrapped around your finger. He's not going anywhere and neither am I."

"Thanks Lou." I smile up at my big brother. 

"That's what I'm here for, isn't it?" Louis asks.

"Yeah." I nod. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"By the way, I'm not a toilet." Louis whispers in my ear and kisses my head.


"Agnes?" Danielle's sweet voice enters the room. I look over at her, smiling. She gives me a half smile back.

"Hey!" I chirp as I spring up from the floor. "What's up Dani?"

"I'm confused about Liam." She murmurs.

"What did he do this time?" I ask.

"He didn't do anything, it's just..." Danielle trails off. "what if he decides he likes her better than me?"

"There's no chance of that happening." I shake my head. "He can barely stand being in the same room with Justice for more than twenty minutes. He loves you. I've never been more sure of anything."

"How can I compete with her though?" Danielle asks.

"Beat her at her own game." A large smirk grows on my face. "She gets handsy with Liam, you do more. There are no limits. He's going to choose you no matter what happens."

"Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" Danielle asks.

"Yeah." I shrug. "Louis told me to go to bed about two hours ago since we have to get up early. I tried but then I got bored and restless. So, I've been here eating fudge pops and watching Dora."

"I have so much to learn." Danielle sighs.

"We can start your training now! Come on, I have like three boxes of them!" I squeal and tug her over to the freezer.

*Niall's POV* 

I moan when another episode of Dora comes on the TV. I had nothing better to do, so I'm here eating fudge pops with Theo.

"Niall?" Greg's sleepy voice echoes down the stairs.

"Yeah?" I look over my shoulder at him.

"What are you doing?" He quirks an eyebrow up at me.

"Putting on some weight to make sure my fiance will still love me tomorrow." I answer.

"She's always gonna love you, you know that right?" Greg asks, picking up Theo and sitting next to me.

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