Chapter Eleven: The Long List Of Liam Payne's Mistakes

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My eyes flutter open to see it is actually quite dark. When I go to stretch out my arms and legs I find myself entangled in someone's arms. I look in the space beside me to see Justice. Memories of the previous night come flooding back to me and my jaw drops open.

What have I done?

I quickly get out of bed, groaning at our clothes all over the floor. I pull on my boxers. I run a hand through my hair. Did I really let that happen last night?

After pacing for about fifteen to twenty minutes, I decide I'll go over to Louis' place. I grab a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt from my dresser. I slip on my converse before snatching my keys and walk out of the house. I head down the pavement to find Louis on his front porch.

"If you're here to tell me to lay off the alcohol then you're wasting your time." Louis smiles, his voice raspy which immediately told me he had been drinking a lot.

"I'm not here to talk, I'm here to drink." I take a bottle of vodka off the little table and sit on the couch across from him. It burns my throat as it runs down and I cringe.

"I thought you didn't drink." Louis laughs.

"Louis, I did something bad." I sigh.

"What happened?" Louis asks. His eyes suddenly widens and his mouth hangs open. "Oh my God, you dirty b*stard. Did you actually make love to her?!" I frown and nod. "Liam, what the h*ll is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know." I cry. "I wasn't thinking. I couldn't think. What should I do?"

"I honestly wouldn't know Liam." Louis rubs his forehead with his hand then puts his beer down. "It doesn't take an genius to know that you are screwed with the whole Justice situation. This has really pushed things over the edge though. You have to talk to her about this. If you don't then she could get the wrong message and that would really hurt her. Do it before it's too late. You're missing out on a lot of things right now. Don't let her keep you from doing what you really want."


 They were right. They were all right. Hannah, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Caleb even. It was almost two weeks ago. I could be out having game night with them all but instead I'm rolling around on my bed feeling miserable and wondering what I should do.

I groan and toss myself onto my side again, smacking my hands to my face. I hate this. It's torture. My mind knows the truth, but at the same time my heart doesn't want it to be real. Justice walks in the door and says something that would change everything.

*Agnes' POV*

"No!" Niall exclaims. He rolls backwards onto the floor. "This game is rigged!"

"It's checkers." I giggle.

"Even when I try to let you win I can't do it!" Niall complains then sits back up again. "I want a rematch!"

"We've had eight rematches." Caleb says. "We all want to play Just Dance now."

"I don't!" Niall pouts. I roll my eyes at him.

"Problem!" Hannah and Zayn shout, barging in the door.

"What?" We all chorus.

"Fix it." They demand and pull in a fighting Liam and Justice. 

"What happened?" I gape out.

"Help me." Liam whines. I get up off the floor, walking over to them.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I told idiot over here a very personal problem, and he just starts yelling at me!" Justice yells.

"What was it?" I ask. 

"She said she's pregnant." Liam answers. Everyone's jaws drop. 

"Come on." I grab Justice's wrist and pull her into the bathroom. I rummage around in the cabinet until I find a box of pregnancy tests. "Take it." I shove it into her chest then walk out, closing the door after me. "Follow." I lead Liam out to the back yard. His eyes were red, puffy, and spitting out tears. I wrap my arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry Ag." Liam chokes out.

"Don't be." I hug him tighter. "It's not your fault. She's taking a pregnancy test in the bathroom. She could be lying. We won't know until she tries. Promise me you won't start worrying about this no matter what the outcome is."

"I promise." Liam replies.

I let him cry into me, feeling bad for the boy that had done nothing wrong. About ten minutes later he has finished his sob. I slip my hand into his and we go back into the house.

"Wait here." I tell him. He nods. I go back to the bathroom, pushing the door open. Tears were flowing down her face along with a heavy coat of make-up. "Why are you crying? That test is negative."

"That was the first one I took. These other two are positive. So was the one before I told Liam." She responds, holding them out for me to look. They were. She wasn't lying. I have to say that I'm surprised.

"Go apologize for yelling." I cross my arms.

"Why should I?! He was being un-supportive!" Justice shrieks.

"If you really felt that way then you would have told him instead of just yelling at him." I snap.

"Look who's talking! You're hiding from everything!" Justice pulls the wig I was wearing off of my head.

"I don't have to deal with this." I hiss. I grab the pregnancy tests and walk back out to my waiting family. I hand them to Liam with a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry." I kiss his cheek. The poor thing looked bloody terrified, he was scared about this happening and I don't blame him. Justice emerges from the bathroom. As soon as she does Liam walks up to her.

"I can't do this if you're going to keep acting like this and keeping me away from everything I love. I want you to keep the baby and I want to be a part of it's life, but we need a break. If things get better then I can let yu back into my life. Right now I need time to think this through and figure out what I want my life to be about. I'm sorry." Liam puts the little sticks in her hands then walks out of Niall and I's house, leaving us all gobsmacked.

Holy crap! You have no idea how long I've been waiting to post that! That was so exciting, wasn't it?! My heart is beating so fast! Haha. 

Sorry it's a little short but I think that it was very action packed, don't you agree? Like, dude! Justice is pregnant and Liam finally stood up for himself! I'm so proud of him even though I really shouldn't be! I get way too connected with my characters.

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you! 

-Melanie XOXO

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